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What is the most played character in Overwatch?

What is the most played character in Overwatch?

By far the most played hero is D.Va even with a need for buffs. The whopping amount of 60,752 minutes, or over 1,000 hours in total, is clearly testament to her popularity in the pro scene. Next up is Zenyatta due to coming in at 50,056 minutes across Overwatch League seasons.

What are considered good stats in Overwatch?

If you’re below 25 elims per 10 mins and below 3 elims per life (possible exception for mccree only), or above 7-8 deaths per 10 mins, you shouldn’t play that DPS hero or you should re-evaluate how you play them. 40%+ acc for Tracer and soldier and 50%+ for mccree and Zarya primary fire are decent.

What is the least played hero in Overwatch?

Least played are Ashe, Hanzo, Bap, McCree, Pharah, Widow, and Genji, all under a half hour. Genji is the runaway winner at 4 minutes.

Who is the best character in Overwatch 2020?

Tier 1. Orisa [Tank] Ever since she launched, Orisa’s struggled to break out of a mid-table position – until now.

  • Tier 2. Zarya [Tank] Zarya’s another tank who’s been a staple for a while and that’s down to the fact that she compliments the likes of Reinhardt and Genji nicely.
  • Tier 3. Lucio [Support]
  • Tier 4. Ashe [Damage]
  • How old is DVA?

    19-year old
    Overwatch. In Overwatch lore, D.Va is Hana Song, a 19-year old former professional gamer going by her gamertag “D.Va”.

    Who is the hardest character to play in Overwatch?

    Overwatch: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked

    1. 1 Zarya. Zarya is the hardest hero to play as.
    2. 2 Baptiste. Baptiste is the newest support to be added to Overwatch and the hardest.
    3. 3 Doomfist. The hardest damage hero to play in Overwatch is Doomfist.
    4. 4 Ana.
    5. 5 Genji.
    6. 6 Sombra.
    7. 7 Sigma.
    8. 8 Zenyatta.

    What is the average win rate in Overwatch?

    Hero Stats

    Hero Pick Rate Win Rate
    Offense 1.74% 51.36%
    Offense 1.65% 49.69%
    Offense 1.62% 53.50%
    Support 1.42% 51.59%

    Why was McCree’s name changed?

    The change happened due to a shift at Blizzard following reports of sexual harassment and toxicity in leadership. The new moniker is meant to distance the gunslinger from now-fired Blizzard game designer Jesse McCree, the character’s namesake, who was terminated after the outcry over a toxic culture.

    Who is the best tank in OW?

    Best Overwatch characters: Tank

    Tier Characters
    S D.Va, Wrecking Ball
    A Reinhardt, Sigma
    B Roadhog, Zarya
    C Winston, Orisa

    Was D.Va supposed to be 16?

    Va’s age was initially 16 before it upped to 19 just because of a particular Overwatch internet thing happening to blow up, but that can’t be true, right? I’ve tried to search the archive web and the gamepedia and searched for other sources, but nothing says that.

    Did D.Va used to be 16?

    In Overwatch lore, D.Va is Hana Song, a 19-year old former professional gamer going by her gamertag “D.Va”. D.Va was known for becoming the No. 1 ranked StarCraft II player in the world at age 16 and maintaining an undefeated record prior to her retirement from gaming in order to defend her homeland.

    Is platinum a good rank Overwatch?

    78% of all players are shared between those ranks. A good goal to start you off is to try and reach Platinum if you’re not there already. Doing so will put you in the top 39% of the competitive player base.