What is the longitude for the 2004 tsunami?
GPS coordinates of 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, Indonesia. Latitude: 3.3160 Longitude: 95.8540.
Where was the 2004 tsunami located?
Banda Aceh
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami/Location
A powerful undersea earthquake that struck off the coast of Sumatra island, Indonesia, set off the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, also known as the Christmas or Boxing Day tsunami, on Sunday morning, Dec. 26, 2004.
How far inland did the 2004 tsunami reach?
Tsunamis reached 20m in height at landfall in parts of Aceh. In other locations they spread 3 km inland carrying debris and salt water with them. The retreating waters eroded whole shorelines.
What was the latitude and the longitude of the Indian Ocean earthquake?
The Indian Ocean tsunami was generated by a Mw 9.1 earthquake (3.295°N 95.982°E), 2004-12-26 00:58:53 UTC, off the west coast of northern Sumatra (according to the USGS).
How far inland is safe from a tsunami?
Get to high ground before the disaster arrives Otherwise, your best course of action depends on how much time you have before the tsunami arrives. Your goal, assuming you’re on land, is to evacuate away from the coast. Try to reach someplace 100 feet above sea level or two miles away from the ocean.
What was the depth of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake?
The hypocentre of the main earthquake was approximately 160 km (100 mi) off the western coast of northern Sumatra, in the Indian Ocean just north of Simeulue island at a depth of 30 km (19 mi) below mean sea level (initially reported as 10 km or 6.2 mi).
What were the Latitude Longitude magnitude and depth of the earthquake that led to the tsunami?
Date | 8 September 2002 |
Latitude | 3°18´ S |
Longitude | 142°57´ E |
Depth | 13km |
Magnitude | 7.3 |
What are the top 10 tsunamis?
What is the worst tsunami in the world?
Sumatra,Indonesia – 26th December 2004. Sumatra,Indonesia.
What was the deadliest tsunami in history?
Triggered by the undersea earthquake activity offshore, the 100-feet-high tsunami waves laid bare complete annihilation in as many as 14 countries, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history.
How deadly is a tsunami?
Hurricane,Typhoon and Cyclone.