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What is the Galaxy Zoo project?

What is the Galaxy Zoo project?

Galaxy Zoo is a scientific project that has invited members of the public to help classify a million galaxies. Those involved are directly contributing to scientific research, while getting an opportunity to view the beautiful and varied galaxies that inhabit our universe.

What is the most important legacy of the Galaxy Zoo project?

Galaxy Zoo is now arguably the world’s best-known online citizen science project, and is certainly the one with the largest number of publications based on citizen scientists input. Our success inspired the creation of The Zooniverse, hosting project using the same technique across many research areas.

Why was Galaxy Zoo created?

Galaxy Zoo was first launched in 2007 by astronomers and astrophysicists from the U.S. and U.K. The goal was to get the public to identify the shapes of 1 million galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which were photographed between 2000 and 2008 by a telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico.

How many galaxies are in space?

While estimates among different experts vary, an acceptable range is between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies, said Mario Livio, an astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.

Why is Galaxy Zoo important?

Galaxy Zoo is a crowdsourced astronomy project which invites people to assist in the morphological classification of large numbers of galaxies. It is an example of citizen science as it enlists the help of members of the public to help in scientific research. There have been 15 versions as of July 2017.

Are galaxies close together?

Galaxies are held together by mutual gravity and orbit around a common center. Interactions between galaxies is quite common, especially between giant and satellite galaxies.

How old is our galaxy?

13.61 billion yearsMilky Way / Age

What is the largest galaxy?

IC 1101
The biggest known galaxy, first described in a 1990 study from the journal Science (opens in new tab), is IC 1101, which stretches as wide as 4 million light-years across, according to NASA (opens in new tab). Galaxies are often bound to each other gravitationally in groups that are called galaxy clusters.

How do you become a citizen scientist?

Here’s a list of five ways you can put on your citizen scientist cap and get involved!

  1. iNaturalist. One of the quickest ways you can jump into citizen science is with iNaturalist!
  2. ISeeChange. Phenology is the science of cycles in nature.
  3. COVID Near You.
  4. SciStarter.
  5. Transcribe scanned field notes.

How many Galaxy Zoo projects are there?

As of July 2017, the full list of Galaxy Zoo projects (15) is: Galaxy Zoo 1, Galaxy Zoo 2, Galaxy Zoo Mergers, Galaxy Zoo Supernovae, Galaxy Zoo Hubble, Galaxy Zoo CANDELS, Radio Galaxy Zoo, Galaxy Zoo Quench, Galaxy Zoo DECALS 1, Galaxy Zoo DECALS2 + SDSS, Illustris, UKIDSS, Galaxy Zoo Bar Lengths and two more.

How did Galaxy Zoo get started?

Kevin Schawinski, previously an astrophysicist at Oxford University and co-founder of Galaxy Zoo, described the problem that led to Galaxy Zoo’s creation when he was set the task of classifying the morphology of more than 900,000 galaxies by eye that had been imaged by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, USA.

What is Galaxy Zoo 1 and 2?

Galaxy Zoo 1: data release of morphological classifications for nearly 900,000 galaxies. Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Galaxy Zoo: the dependence of morphology and colour on environment.

What is Radio Galaxy Zoo and how does it work?

The CSIRO press release states that Radio Galaxy Zoo is a new citizen science project that lets anyone become a cosmic explorer. It continues that by matching galaxy images with radio images from CSIRO’s Australia Telescope, a participant can work out if a galaxy has a supermassive black hole.