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What is the first definition of democracy?

What is the first definition of democracy?

What is Democracy? “Of the people, by the people, for the people” Abraham Lincoln. The word democracy comes from the Greek words “demos”, meaning people, and “kratos” meaning power; so democracy can be thought of as “power of the people”: a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.

What is Democratisation theory?

Democratization, or democratisation, is the transition to a more democratic political regime, including substantive political changes moving in a democratic direction.

What is democracy why Democ?

A democracy is a form of government that empowers the people to exercise political control, limits the power of the head of state, provides for the separation of powers between governmental entities, and ensures the protection of natural rights and civil liberties. In practice, democracy takes many different forms.

What are the 3 waves of democratization?

Scholars debate the precise number of democratic waves. Huntington describes three waves: the first “slow” wave of the 19th century, a second wave after World War II, and a third wave beginning in the mid-1970s in South Europe, followed by Latin America and Asia.

What does democratizing data mean?

Data democratization is the ongoing process of enabling everybody in an organization, irrespective of their technical know-how, to work with data comfortably, to feel confident talking about it, and, as a result, make data-informed decisions and build customer experiences powered by data.

Who first used the word democracy?

The concepts (and name) of democracy and constitution as a form of government originated in ancient Athens circa 508 BCE.

What is democracy Why democracy Class 9 notes?

Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people. The rulers are elected by the people. Free and competitive elections are held. Each adult irrespective of religion, education, caste, colour, wealth have one vote, one value.