What is the etymological meaning of scruple?
From Old French scrupule, from Latin scrūpulus (“(literally) a small sharp or pointed stone; the twenty-fourth part of an ounce; uneasiness of mind, anxiety, doubt, trouble; scruple”), diminutive of scrūpus (“a rough or sharp stone; anxiety, uneasiness”); perhaps akin to Ancient Greek σκύρος (skúros, “the chippings of …
What does a faltering mean?
1a : to walk unsteadily : stumble the … stranger falters out of the thicket and drops to his knees— Dudley Fitts. b : to give way : totter could feel my legs faltering. c : to move waveringly or hesitatingly forced to bail out of faltering airplanes over the Alps — Nat’l Geographic.
What does scrupulously mean?
1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper. 2 : punctiliously exact : painstaking working with scrupulous care.
What are two synonyms for scruple?
- anxiety.
- caution.
- censor.
- compunction.
- conscience.
- demur.
- difficulty.
- faltering.
How heavy is a scruple?
1.296 grams
Scruple comes from the Latin word meaning “small sharp stone”; today’s scruples weigh 1.296 grams.
How do you use scruple in a sentence?
They must have had some scruples about it. I have no scruples whatsoever in that connection. He is stubborn, ruthless, intelligent and devoid of moral scruples—the most dangerous kind of opponent. He was of a shy and retiring disposition, and he had some scruples about using violence to meet violence.
What is the meaning of marriage faltered?
Answer: d) marriage could not be continued.
What is the opposite of faltering?
Antonyms for faltering. diving (in), plunging (in)
What is scrupulous Pedanticalness?
with who are compelled to do so. Since the author says that these people must have “scrupulous pedanticalness” to be concerned. about the minute differences between synonyms, we can infer that scrupulous pedanticalness means being overly concerned with. minute details. This makes (E) the best choice.
What’s the meaning of suborn?
Definition of suborn transitive verb. 1 : to induce secretly to do an unlawful thing. 2 : to induce to commit perjury also : to obtain (perjured testimony) from a witness.
How many drams are in a scruple?
3 scruples
Scruple. A scruple is a small amount of something, and is used in the system of apothecaries’ weight used by pharmacists. In this system, the smallest unit is the grain, and a scruple is equivalent to 20 grains. As weights increase, a dram is 3 scruples, an ounce is 8 drams, and a pound is 12 ounces.