What is the difference between HDX and PCoIP?
Citrix XenDesktop’s HDX and VMware View’s PCoIP offer the same basic functionality — providing video, sound, and peripheral support to remote desktop users — but they each use a different transport protocol, HDX riding TCP and PCoIP riding UDP.
What is the difference between HDX – ICA and RDP?
The downside of RDP is that the performance over a low bandwidth WAN requires an extra optimization to guarantee satisfying user experience. On the other hand, HDX – ICA seems to have a slight edge with its advanced features. However, the expensive HDX price tag and its complexities are a concern for many.
What protocol does HDX use for remote display?
Citrix’s remote display protocol was originally called ICA, but the company evolved the offering into the HDX suite in 2009 with the release of XenDesktop 3.0. It’s based on the TCP but can use UDP in certain situations.
What is RDP and how does it work?
It allows organizations to remotely access server resources from a client device. RDP works on TCP/IP and listens on port 3389. The current version comes with strong encryption and server authentication out-of-the-box.
What is the default audio bandwidth limit for audio output?
If the setting is configured, the value is measured in kilobits per second, with a default audio bandwidth limit of 500 kilobits per second. This setting applies to View 4.6 and later.
What is the default bandwidth limit for Horizon agent?
The default value is 0, which means that no minimum bandwidth is reserved. When this setting is disabled or not configured, no minimum bandwidth is reserved. This setting applies to Horizon Agent and the client, but the setting only affects the endpoint on which it is configured.
How much bandwidth should I Set my VDI configuration to?
For example, with a single-user VDI configuration (a single PCoIP session) that connects through a 4Mbit/s Internet connection, set this value to 4Mbit, or 10% less than this value to leave some allowance for other network traffic.