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What is the difference between 1st and 3rd angle projection?

What is the difference between 1st and 3rd angle projection?

In third-angle projection, the view of a component is drawn next to where the view was taken. In first-angle projection, the view is drawn on the other end of the component, at the opposite end from where the view was taken.

Why do we prefer 1st angle projection?

In India, we generally use 1st angle projection. Generally, we view a body as if it is in the first quadrant. So, just for the simplicity of drawing the orthographic views, we prefer first angle projection.

How are the views arranged in first angle projection?

In the First Angle System, the top view is placed below while the front view is upward and the side view is by the side of the front view. In the Third Angle System, the top view is upward while the front view is downward and the side view is towards, aside from the front view.

How do you describe first angle projection?

In the first angle projection, the object is placed in the 1st quadrant. The object is positioned at the front of a vertical plane and top of the horizontal plane. First angle projection is widely used in India and European countries. The object is placed between the observer and projection planes.

How do you interpret first and third angle drawings?

The difference between first and third angle projection is in the position of the plan, front and side views. In third angle, what you see from the right would be drawn on the right. In first angle, the view from the right would be projected through and drawn on the left.

Which of the following relation is true for first angle projection?

Explanation: In first angle projection the object’s right side will be projected only if we watch from right side of object and the impression will fall to the left side of front view similar to the other side also so the right side view is placed on the left side of front view.

Why 1st and 3rd angles are preferred to have projections?

First of all, we use first angle and third angle projection because it is assumed that the Horizontal plane is rotated CLOCKWISE to bring them in the same plane (for drawing purpose) and if we use second or fourth angle projection , then the Horizontal and vertical views will overlap , creating confusions in their …

How do you read first angle drawings?

In first angle, the view from the right would be projected through and drawn on the left. The views in first angle are depicted as if you were looking at an x-ray of the object.

Which of the following relation is the first angle projection?

Detailed Solution

First angle projection Third-angle projection
The plane of projection is assumed to be Non-transparent The plane of projection is assumed to be transparent.
Front (elevation) view is drawn above the XY line Front (elevation) view is drawn below the XY line

Where does 1st angle projection place the right view?

1st Angle vs 3rd Angle Projection

Parameter First Angle Projection
Relative Position Object lies in between observer and plane of projection.
Top View Position Bottom of Front View
Bottom View Position Top of Front View
Left Side View Right Side of Front View

When the front view of line having a length less than the original length then which of the following is correct?

When the front view of the line having a length less than the original length then which of the following is correct? The line is inclined to H.P. The line is inclined to both H.P. and V.P. 28.

What is the position of 1st quadrant?

The 1st quadrant is in which position? Explanation: The position of reference planes will be similar to quadrants in x, y plane co-ordinate system. As the 1st quadrant lies above the x-axis and in front of the y-axis here also the 1st quadrant is above H.P, in front of V.P.