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What is sol badguy saying?

What is sol badguy saying?

“Stop wasting my time.”

What is May saying in Guilty Gear strive?

Guilty Gear -Strive- Generic: (P2) “I’ll do my best, Johnny!”

Is Jam Chinese guilty Gear?

Jam Kuradoberi is a heroine from Guilty Gear. She is of Chinese descent, and is one of the few characters in the game who fights bare-fisted, supplemented with Ki force. She is a talented chef and a restaurant owner, whose business is constantly being affected by the events in the story.

How strong is jam Kuradoberi?

Jam Kuradoberi has powerful and effective rushdown, able to run over her opponents with momentum. Very Fast Normals: Boasts a 3 frame jab, a 6 frame sweep, and a 5 frame air-to-air normal along with several other fast buttons that exist as powerful pokes with short recovery.

Who is stronger sol or KY?

Ky’s always been far more powerful than Sol. Sol’s a scientist who grew up in a world of hope, peace, and promise, but later became a warrior out of necessity. Ky’s a war orphan who dedicated his first 22 years of life to killing endless hordes of bio-mechanical creatures made primarily to wage war on human soldiers.

Is Sol Badguy sword a lighter?

It is a uniquely designed sword with a rectangular and blunt blade, which features a crossguard shaped similarly to a butane lighter, even having a striking wheel and breeze guard, that spews forth flames.

Does may love Johnny?

Throughout the long years of living aboard the airship, May developed a fierce love for Johnny: He was part father figure, part brother, and perhaps even part boyfriend to her.

How old is GG May?

She can also summon in dolphins and other aquatic animals to help her in combat. While May’s birthday is unknown, she celebrates it on May 5 (the day Johnny found her on the battlefield). Her age is also largely unknown, although she mumbles what seems to be “22” when Chipp Zanuff asks her how old she is in Xrd.

Who is sin kiske?

Sin Kiske is one of the main characters of the Guilty Gear series. He is the son of Ky Kiske and Dizzy, inheriting her Gear blood and great power. A carefree young man, Sin was raised by Sol Badguy, alongside whom he works as a bounty hunter.

Is Jam Kuradoberi Chinese?

蔵土縁 紗夢? Jam Kuradoberi is a recurring character in the Guilty Gear series. She is of Chinese descent, and is one of the few characters in the game who fights bare-fisted, supplemented with Ki force. She is a talented chef and a restaurant owner, whose business is constantly set back.

Who is JamJam Kuradoberi in Guilty Gear?

Jam Kuradoberi is a recurring character in the Guilty Gear series. She is of Chinese descent, and is one of the few characters in the game who fights bare-fisted, supplemented with Ki force. She is a talented chef and a restaurant owner, whose business is constantly set back.

What happened to jam in EX Mode?

In Jam’s EX mode, her gameplay becomes almost completely consistent of melee, losing all her aerial moves with the exception of Houeikyaku, which becomes one of the worst Overdrives in the game, doing little damage and having a limited range.