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What is so special about Valar Morghulis?

What is so special about Valar Morghulis?

Valar morghulis is a High Valyrian saying originating from Braavos, a city located on the northwestern tip of Essos. It means “all men must die,” and it’s usually answered with the phrase valar dohaeris, meaning “all men must serve.”

What does Arya say Valar Morghulis?

Impressed by her moxie, Jaqen gives Arya an iron coin, and says that if she presents it to someone from Braavos and says the customary greeting—“Valar Morghulis,” high Valyrian for “All men must die”—then the Braavosi will grant her one wish (not murder, necessarily, though it’s always an option).

What is the coin Valar Morghulis?

Valar Morghulis. This is the coin given to Arya Stark by the mysterious Jaqen H’ghar. It is not a coin for buying things, but rather denotes association with the organization of the Faceless Men.

What happens to Valar Morghulis?

Just before fleeing Harrenhal with Gendry and Hot Pie, Arya slits the throat of the guard at the postern gate; she whispers valar morghulis as he dies.

Is Valar Morghulis a greeting?

Valar Morghulis is a common greeting in Braavos, meaning “all men must die” in High Valyrian.

How does Jaqen change his face?

His face is originally a decaying, yellowed skull with a worm coming out of an eye socket. Arya kisses him and bites the worm, which causes him to change his face into that of a nice old man. The original Jaqen. HBO In the show, Jaqen, pre-face change, replaces the “kindly man” character.

How do you respond to valar dohaeris?

The Valyrian greeting “Valar Morghulis” or “All men must die” is answered with the response of “Valar Dohaeris” or “All men must serve”.

Why did the Red woman say Valar Morghulis?

When Melisandre passed Grey Worm she said “valar morghulis,” which means “all men must die.” He returned the greeting with the traditional “valar dohaeris,” which means “all men must serve.”

Why does Jaqen owe Arya?

In both the show and the books, Jaqen meets Arya Stark while he is an imprisoned criminal headed for the Wall. After Arya saves him as well as two other criminals from an attack, Jaqen says that he owes her three deaths to make up for the three lives she saved.

Is Valyrian real language?

Right now, High Valyrian has grown to comprise about 2,000 words, according to Peterson. The language may be fictional, but it has its own — very real — system of rules that govern it, same as any other language.