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What is blynk?

What is blynk?

Blynk is a hardware-agnostic IoT platform with white-label mobile apps, private clouds, device management, data analytics, and machine learning. Blynk makes complex IoT technology simple. We designed, developed, and tested the building blocks of a complete IoT solution, so businesses who run on Blynk don’t have to.

How do I create a blynk account?

Create a Blynk account using Blynk.Console or Blynk.App for iOS or Android. Have a supported hardware (ESP32, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc). The list of supported devices is here. Blynk Library is an extension that runs on your hardware.

How to use blynk example code builder?

Use Blynk Example Code Builder 2. Use examples provided with the library Go to Examples folder in the installed library. Choose the example that best describes your hardware. • You will get a message that hardware is offline. That’s OK. Congrats! Welcome to the Internet of Things with Blynk. Check the links below to learn Blynk basics.

How do I connect my hardware to blynk?

To get your hardware online and connect it to Blynk Cloud, you would need a device Authentication Token. Once you download the app you will be able to generate Auth Token for every device. After your hardware is connected spend some time learning Blynk basics. It will help you to easily build new projects…

How to connect ANY hardware to free blynk?

An electronics engineer familiar with MCUs like ESP32 or Arduino can easily connect any hardware to free Blynk.Cloud with just 10 lines of code. Then build mobile and web apps to interact with this device without any additional skills. Join the biggest IoT developers community. Over 500,000 enigineers in 136 countries use Blynk.

What is the latest generation of the blynk IoT platform?

Introduction This documentation covers the latest generationof the Blynk IoT Platform. Blynk 0.1 is still maintained, but it’s no longer receiving new features. Documentation for the unsupported legacy version can be found here.