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What is another word for road safety?

What is another word for road safety?

road safety > synonyms »road traffic safety exp. »transport safety exp. »highway safety exp. »safe driving exp.

What is the meaning of the word road safety?

(rəʊd ˈseɪftɪ ) the avoidance of danger on the road. Make sure your children know about road safety.

What is the theme of road safety?

The theme for this year’s National Road Safety Week is ‘Sadak Suraksha – Jeevan Raksha. ‘ The campaign will focus on various measures people should adopt to comply with the safety regulations laid down by the government and subsequently keep themselves and their loved ones safe.

Is road safety an adjective?

Road safety is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality.

What is the synonym of road?

Synonyms of road

  • arterial,
  • artery,
  • avenue,
  • boulevard,
  • carriageway.
  • [British],
  • drag,
  • drive,

What are the safety measure?

safety measures means any reasonable steps taken by the responsible person to prevent an accident or serious injury or measures taken to eliminate any hazardous condition; Sample 1.

What are the five road safety rules?

Never Drink & Drive.

  • Always Wear Seat Belt.
  • Keep a Safe Distance from the vehicle ahead.
  • Always Avoid Distractions.
  • Never Break Red Signal.
  • Always Drive Within Speed Limit.
  • Avoid the Drowsiness While Driving.
  • Watch Out For Drivers On the Road.
  • What is importance of road safety?

    It is very important to be aware that road traffic injuries remain an important public health problem. When road safety products are utilized correctly or efficiently, they can help save lives, prevent accidents and injuries, and keep a society functioning in the most optimal way.

    Why is road safety?

    Road safety is something important that has to be followed at all times to ensure the safety of the operators of a vehicle, passengers, and pedestrians. In fact, road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among people aged between 15 and 29 years.

    What is road safety in India?

    Hence, road safety education is as essential as any other basic skills of survival. Our aim is to provide road safety information for road users to encourage safer road user behaviour among current and prospective road users and reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads every year.

    What is a road or path called?

    route. noun. the roads or paths that you use when you go from one place to another.

    What is the side of road called?

    What is another word for side of the road?

    roadside verge
    curb edge
    kerb shoulder
    wayside hard shoulder
    pavement sidewalk edge