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What is an Rfso flange?

What is an Rfso flange?

An RFSO flange is a raised face slip on flange.

What is class 150 in flange?

As temperature increases, the pressure rating of the flange decreases. For example, a Class 150 flange is rated to approximately 270 PSIG at ambient conditions, 180 PSIG at approximately 400°F, 150 PSIG at approximately 600°F, and 75 PSIG at approximately 800°F.

How many bolt holes in a 150 flange?

Diameters and bolt circles for standard ASME B16. 5 flanges – 1/4 to 24 inches – Class 150 to 2500.

Nominal Pipe Size NPS (inches) Class 150
Diameter of Flange (inches) Diameter of Bolt Holes (inches)
3-1/2 8-1/2 0.75
4 9 0.75
5 10 0.88

What does ANSI 150 mean?

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Class 150 is a system of dimensional standards for weld neck, threaded, slip-on, lap joint, socket weld and blind flanges. Dimensions for facing, bolts and studs are also included in ANSI Class 150.

How do you read flange specs?

The key sizes for a pipe flange are:

  1. the nominal size (i.e. the bore size of the flange, to match the bore size of the connecting pipe)
  2. the flange rating (which designates the pressure/temperature performance of the flange, i.e. 150#, 300#, 400#, up to 2500#)

How are flanges classified?

The key types of flanges are the welding neck, long welding neck, slip-on, socket weld, lap joint, threaded and blind flanges. In addition to these standard flanges, some special ones exist, called Weldoflange/Nipoflange and Elboflange, swivel flange, expander/reducer flange, and orifice flanges.

How thick is a 150 flange?

ANSI/ASME B16. 5 Class 150 Forged Flanges Add Flanges

Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T)
1⁄2 3.50 0.38
3⁄4 3.88 0.44
1 4.25 0.50
11⁄4 4.62 0.56

What is the difference between Class 125 and Class 150?

Class 125 and Class 250 are cast iron flanges and flanged fittings while Class 150 and Class 300 are ductile iron, steel or stainless steel. Hence, ANSI/ASME B16. 1 Class 125 flanges are made from cast iron, ANSI/ASME B16. 5 Class 150 can be made from steel or stainless and ANSI/ASME B16.

What is the difference between ANSI 125 and ANSI 150?

Are ANSI and ASME flanges the same?

ANSI Flanges are manufactured based on standards developed by organizations and ASME Flanges are based on codes and standards for mechanical devices. The ANSI Flanges are designed based on approx. 9500 standards whereas ASME Flanges manufactured on 600 codes and standards for different mechanical devices.