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What is an atmospheric furnace?

What is an atmospheric furnace?

But an atmospheric furnace is simply a furnace that draws on air inside a home in order to mix with the natural gas from the burner and allow combustion to occur. A grill on the furnace pulls in this air for the combustion process. This, in turn, pulls air from the rest of the house.

What is an inert protective atmosphere?

An inert atmosphere, sometimes referred to as a protective atmosphere, produces very clean parts in a highly controlled environment. It also serves to prevent unwanted chemical reactions (like oxidation or decarburization) from occurring on the surface of the part.

What type of furnace produces an atmosphere consisting of a gas air combustion product?

Exothermic Atmospheres: This name has been given to these atmospheres because these are produced by the exothermic combustion (i.e. without the addition of heat) of gas, and air, and are low-cost prepared furnace atmospheres.

What is a reactive furnace?

RVAR Furnaces for the production of reactive materials, such as titanium, being produced from low packing density material such as sponge compacts or bulk welded materials.

Why hydrogen is used in furnace?

Hydrogen has the highest energy-to-weight ratio of any fuel since hydrogen is the lightest element and has no heavy carbon atoms.

Which gas is used for inert atmosphere?

Purified argon and nitrogen gases are most commonly used as inert gases due to their high natural abundance (78.3% N2, 1% Ar in air) and low relative cost.

How do you create an inert atmosphere?

To safely and effectively use these reagents, glassware should be oven or flame dried, then the air displaced with a dry, inert gas (often nitrogen or argon). This creates an “inert atmosphere” inside an apparatus, one that will not react with the reagents.

Why is there nitrogen in blast furnace?

The technology provides for the use of nitrogen during the fanning of blast furnaces after construction or overhaul, feeding of nitrogen – in place of blast-furnace gas and steam – into the space between the bells of the charging apparatus to equalize pressure, and addition of nitrogen to the blast during problems with …

Why nitrogen is used in furnace?

Nitrogen (N2) – displaces air/oxygen in the furnace atmosphere; excellent for copper. Water vapor (H2O) – specified by dew point, the temperature where moisture in gas condenses; generally undesirable as it inhibits braze flow except in certain copper brazing applications.