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What is a white lotus fighting style?

What is a white lotus fighting style?

Overview. White Lotus Kung Fu begins similar to Eagle Claw, focusing on take-downs, pressure points and joint locks. The art however goes beyond, also covering a variety of sudden, rapid combinations that also for quick-striking first victory.

What is the most powerful style of kung fu?

Wing Chun is one of the strongest, most direct Kung fu styles. Wing Chun originated in the early 1700s at the Shaolin Temple and was then was widely spread by Bruce Lee’s Wing Chun teacher, Yip Man.

What is the best fighting style in kung fu?

Top 5 Most Popular Styles of Kung Fu

  • Wing Chun. Lets start with a style that’s arguably the most well known.
  • Shaolin Temple Style. This style originated around 1500 years ago.
  • Wushu. It feels kind of weird putting wushu on a list of styles of kung fu.
  • Sanda.
  • Animal Forms.

What is Dragon Style kung fu?

Principles of Dragon style kung fu Dragon style is a close range fighting style that incorporates a wide variety of highly effective kicks, sweeps and rapid strikes. Concealed within its strong ‘external’ movements is a softer, ‘internal’ force that enables sensitivity, explosive power and agility.

How many kung fu styles are there?

Due to the rich and long history of Chinese martial arts, there are over 400 substyles of kung fu. The northern styles, such as Shaolin Kung Fu, tend to put a level of importance on kicks and wide stances. The southern styles are more about the utilization of the hands and narrower stances.

What is Panda style kung fu?

Panda Style is the newest of all the twelve kung fu styles. It was invented by Master Po himself. Students of the Panda Style rarely attack first. They make their opponents tired with a strong ‘Belly’ defense, then they attack with surprise moves that appear to almost be an accident.

What is the most intense martial art?

The most deadly martial art has to go to the Israeli art of Krav Maga. When a martial art is developed to ensure the survival of a people that faced extermination it goes number one. Not only is it theost deadly martial art, but one of the most complete self defense systems in the world.

What is the White Lotus kung fu system?

The modern-day White Lotus System of Kung Fu is based on traditional methods, but developed to apply more to today’s world. We teach the fundamentals of Kung Fu, stances, breathing and conditioning as well as the traditional forms and drills. The five animal forms are also taught.

What is Kung Fu?

Kung Fu, more properly known as “Gung Fu,” is one of the oldest fighting arts. Gung Fu means “hard work” or “always learning” in Chinese. (See more at Wikipedia .)

What is the Gung Fu system?

Gung Fu means “hard work” or “always learning” in Chinese. (See more at Wikipedia .) At our “kwoon” or “school,” we teach the White Lotus System—also known as “Bai Ling Ga.”