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What happens if you give Temmie money for college?

What happens if you give Temmie money for college?

When the Temmie Shopkeeper is paid to go to college, she dons a black graduation cap. The Shop itself shelves a branch with a leaf, a bone, a glowing purple potion and two single socks, both very different in size and design.

How much does it cost to send Temmie to college?

The Temmie Shopkeeper announcing how she learned how to sell the Temmie Armor from college. To purchase it, the protagonist must first purchase “tem pay 4 colleg” for 1000G to unlock the item.

How good is Temmie Armor?

Temmie Armor is an armor item sold at the Tem Shop. It’s the second most powerful armor in the game, and the most powerful armor available outside of the Genocide Route. This armor is also the only armor not associated with any of the Human SOULs….Temmie Armor.

Deaths Cost (G) Difference from previous cost (G)
20 1000 100
25 750 250

How do you get infinite money in Undertale?

To do so go to your start menu and choose ‘RUN’ now enter “%localappdata%”. Then find Undertale and open File 0 in notepad. To make changes to your money amount go to the 11th line down (it should currently be a number that is your money in the game)change it to be however many gold you wish you had.

How do you get G in Undertale?

GOLD (abbreviated in-game as G) is the main currency used in the Underground. The protagonist gains GOLD primarily through winning encounters, whether that be through killing the monsters or sparing them.

Are cloudy glasses good Undertale?

Cloudy Glasses are one of the armor items sold by Gerson in Waterfall. Their offensive counterpart is the Torn Notebook. They have a low amount of defense, but they increase the number of invulnerability frames the protagonist has.

How much gold do you need for Temmie Armor?

The Temy Armor drops at a linear rate of 1000 gold/death for the first 5 deaths, then drops to 500 gold/death, then 200 after 10 deaths. To get the price to 1000 gold the player must die 19 times. The minimum the armor can get to is 750 gold, with 23 deaths.

Can you sell stuff in Undertale?

Light all the mushrooms and go down the lower-right path to enter the secret Temmie Village. Here you can find the Tem Shop in the waterfall. This is the only shop in Undertale where you can sell items.

How do you get 9999 coins in Undertale?

You have to use Dog Residue and sell the Dog Residues it generates, then use it again and sell again until you get 9999g.

Can you cheat GOLD in Undertale?