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What does Vel stand for?

What does Vel stand for?

VEL stands for Vehicle Excise License Military and Government.

What is TCS medical?

Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face. Craniofacial abnormalities tend to involve underdevelopment of the zygomatic complex, cheekbones, jaws, palate and mouth which can lead to breathing and feeding difficulties.

What is TSN medical?

2. TSN. Trauma Survivors Network. Trauma, Survivor, Networking. Trauma, Survivor, Networking.

What is exp in medical terms?

exp—exploratory. ext—external, extract, extraction.

What is Vel on a car?

Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) (also known as “vehicle tax”, “car tax”, and more controversially as “road tax”, and formerly as a “tax disc”) is an annual tax that is levied as an excise duty and which must be paid for most types of powered vehicles which are to be used (or parked) on public roads in the United Kingdom.

What causes TCS?

TCS is caused by a mutation in one or more genes on chromosome 5 that affect how a baby’s face develops before birth. About 40 percent of the time, one parent has the mutated TCS gene and has passed it on to their child.

Can I send medicine through TCS?

Temperate controlled deliveries (deliveries will be made through TCS and to be delivered within 24 hours) Rs. 400 will be charged because of the express services and packaging material used in maintain the temperature of shipment.

What does EXP mean in nursing?

Expiration + 3 variants. Health, Healthcare, Treatment.

What does the medical term mean?

Medical terminology is used to precisely describe the human body components, processes, illnesses, medical procedures, and pharmacology. Medical terms are used in the field of medicine, and clinical settings.

What is VED used for?

Vehicle Excise Duty, known as VED, is a tax levied by the government on every vehicle on UK public roads and is collected by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). It’s a major source of revenue for the government, totalling billions of pounds each year, which goes into the central coffers of the exchequer.

Who collects VED?

VED can be automatically be collected from a bank account by Direct Debit however this cannot be applied to vehicles with a £0 VED, for these a paper reminder is sent to the registered keeper who then has to renew at a post office or online. 34,000 drivers were fined in 2017/18 for not renewing.