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What does bogey mean in military?

What does bogey mean in military?

an unidentified enemy aircraft
Bogey, according to Eric Partridge’s slang dictionary, is Royal Air Force usage from early in World War II meaning ”an aircraft suspected to be hostile. ” American aviators picked it up from the R.A.F. veterans; in 1945, Newsweek used the term to mean ”in radar code, an unidentified enemy aircraft.

What does bogey mean in the Navy?

An unidentified aircraft
(aviation, military, slang) An unidentified aircraft, especially as observed as a spot on a radar screen and suspected to be hostile.

What is the difference between bogies and bandits?

In WW II, bandits was RAF slang for hostile aeroplanes (“Bandits at twelve o’clock!” – their position, not the time), and bogies was not used, so if the same term is still used for hostile aircraft,then bogies are presumably rockets or heat-seeking missiles.

What does feet dry mean in the military?

There is a Father on most Mothers. Feet Wet/Dry. The former means “over-water,” the latter “over-land.”

Why is it called a bogie?

The term ‘bogey’ comes from a song that was popular in the British Isles in the early 1890s, called “The Bogey Man” (later known as “The Colonel Bogey March”). The character of the song was an elusive figure who hid in the shadows: “I’m the Bogey Man, catch me if you can.”

Is a bogey good?

A bogey is typically considered to be a fairly bad score on a golf hole, as it is a single stroke above par. However, less experienced golfers may view a bogey as an average score since shooting par is not always an easy task. Bogeys are better than double bogeys, triple bogeys, quadruple bogeys.

What does bandit mean in Air Force?

Bandit – identified enemy aircraft.

What is Jinking in a fighter jet?

This maneuver is the sudden, rapid displacement of the aircraft’s flight path in three axes. This is. used to confuse the enemy and prevent him from getting a good tracking solution, to avoid ground. fire, or to avoid fragmentation patterns and ricochets.

What is Joker fuel?

“Joker Fuel” is a predetermined amount of fuel in excess of Bingo Fuel.

What does bogey mean in England?

a : one stroke over par on a hole made a bogey on the second hole. b chiefly British, dated : an average golfer’s score used as a standard for a particular hole or course He was the sort of player who does the first two holes in one under bogey and then takes an eleven at the third.—

How do you spell Boggie?

Word forms: bogeyslanguage note: The spelling bogy and the plural form bogies are also used. A bogey is something or someone that people are worried about, perhaps without much cause or reason. Age is another bogey for those in the acting business.