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What does above finished floor mean in construction?

What does above finished floor mean in construction?

AFF – Above Finish Floor. This is an acronym commonly used in dimensioning. If you see a note saying 8′-0” AFF, it means that whatever is being referenced is 8 feet and zero inches above the surface of the finished floor (whatever you walk on, e.g. the surface of the tile, not the underlay) in that room.

How high are floor plans cut above the floor?

about 4 feet
Plan Drawings The plan is typically cut at a height of about 4 feet, but the architect drawing the plan may cut it at a different height. This means that you have an imaginary plane cutting through the building at an elevation of 4 feet above the floor.

What is SFL and FFL?

Correct me if Iam wrong, FFL refers to the level at the top surface of floor finish. This is where all the building element finish levels are referenced from. SFL refers to the level at the top surface of the floor screeding or concrete topping. While SSL refers to the level at the top surface of the structural slab.

What does AFF mean floor plans?

A.F.F.: Above Finished Floor. A.F.G.: Above Finished Grade.

What is a finished floor level?

The Finished Floor Level (FFL) is the level, or height, at which the floor of a building or structure (including alterations and additions) is proposed to be built. These levels are nominated on a site/civil plan, including accurate survey information for the development site and its surrounds.

What is finished floor elevation?

Also referred to as FF is Finished Floor Elevation. The term FFE refers to the top of the structural slab and its elevation above sea level. FG. Finished grade. The term FG refers to the elevation above sea level for the finished grade or finished ground.

What is an elevation plan?

An elevation drawing is an orthographic projection drawing that shows one side of the house. The purpose of an elevation drawing is to show the finished appearance of a given side of the house and furnish vertical height dimensions. Four elevations are customarily drawn, one for each side of the house.

What is NGL level?

The vertical distance from natural ground level to the roof or parapet at any point. Accordingly, the lowest point of measurement for building height is referenced to ‘natural ground level’ (‘NGL’).

What is NGL and EGL?

The various kinds of levels utilized in building development are as per the following. Natural Ground Level (NGL) Ground Level (GL) Existing Ground Level (EGL)

What does RA mean on a floor plan?

Our roof access is denoted RA.

What does WIC mean in architecture?

WIC — Walk-in closet.

What is finished floor level in construction?

Finished floor level. Finished floor level (FFL) refers to the uppermost surface of a floor once construction has been completed but before any finishes have been applied. So, in concrete construction it may be the uppermost surface of a screeded finish, or in timber construction, FFL will denote the top level of floorboards,

What is a finished lower level?

Today’s finished lower levels, for the most part, don’t feel like “basements” at all. They’re simply extensions of the main living areas above, with higher ceilings, plenty of natural light and the same level of “finish” to the walls and floors.

What is finished floor level FFL 27000?

Frequently on contract drawings ( plans, sections and elevations ), finished floor level may be abbreviated ‘FFL 27,000’, the figure suffixed denoting the level in metres above a defined datum level (usually outside ground level or ground floor level ).

How do you differentiate between existing and intended floor levels?

To differentiate between existing and intended (to be constructed) levels, the latter will usually have a rectangle around the numbers. In addition, the numbers may be beside or above an arrow that indicates the finished floor level.