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What does 115 mean in zombies?

What does 115 mean in zombies?

the reanimation of dead cells
Element 115 was used to create the zombies as one of its side effects was the reanimation of dead cells. The zombies were to be used as super-soldiers by the Germans. After creating them, the Germans realized that they were uncontrollable and would lead to mankind’s destruction.

Is Edward Richtofen a villain?

Edward Richtofen is an antagonist of the Nazi Zombies storyline in the several Call of Duty games. While his original timeline self acted as one of the overall main antagonists, then his “Origins” timeline self acted as one of the four main protagonists of the storyline.

Who is Richtofen based off of?

Doctor Richtofen created the Wunderwaffe DG-2, shown by his exclamation when he receives it. His name may have been inspired by the German World War I flying ace Baron Manfred von Richtofen, more commonly known as the Red Baron.

Is Divinium real?

Story. Divinium originates with the Apothicons, an ancient race of evil aliens, who sent the element to Earth inside of meteorites in order to create conflict and chaos among humans. Centuries later, Group 935, a group of scientists working for Nazi Germany, discovered the element and began to study its possible uses.

Who is Maxis in Black Ops?

Samantha Maxis is a playable Operator character available in the multiplayer modes of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. Maxis is a member of the BND / Requiem unit in the NATO faction. For the first time in Black Ops history, Samantha Maxis will be a playable Operator – and not just in Zombies.

What is Richtofen’s full name?

Doctor Edward Richtofen
Doctor Edward Richtofen was a major character in the Aether Story, serving as the main character until Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and also a playable character in the Zombies game mode.

Who is the best villain in cod?

Call of Duty: 13 Most Brutal Villains In The Franchise, Ranked

  • 8 Jonathan Irons.
  • 7 Salen Kotch.
  • 6 Imran Zakhaev.
  • 5 DeFalco.
  • 4 Fredrich Steiner.
  • 3 Raul Menendez.
  • 2 Vladimir Makarov. Modern Warfare 2 brought the end of Shepherd.
  • 1 General Shepherd. Shepherd is one of the most iconic villains in video game history.

Why are there 2 Richtofen’s?

The second Richtofen wears the Red Cross Uniform seen in Revelations. He was presumably frozen under Blood of the Dead and was freed once Primis Richtofen used his blood to power the Warden’s machine. From the very beginning, we learn that these two Richtofens are communicating with one another via the Kronorium.

What is Tank Dempsey’s real name?

Ultimis Dempsey
Ultimis Dempsey is a stereotypical United States Marine who is brash and self-satisfied.