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What do you say to someone on their 17th birthday?

What do you say to someone on their 17th birthday?

As you turn 17-years-old today, I want to wish you luck, happiness, and success for your adult years that are about to come your way. Your seventeenth certainly is a special birthday, so may you enjoy it to the fullest. wishing you the best in life, sweet teen. May you have a truly beautiful birthday!

What is a good birthday card message?

General Birthday Card Messages Warmest wishes and love on your birthday! Wishing you a happy birthday and a blessed year ahead. I’m so grateful that you were born. Happy birthday!

What can I write to my daughter on her 17th birthday?

An Open Letter to My Daughter on Her 17th Birthday

  • Love yourself.
  • Love others.
  • Be courageous.
  • Be passionate.
  • Honour your roots.
  • Listen to your gut.
  • You are enough.

What can I write in a birthday card for a girl?


  1. “Happy, Happy Birthday, [Nina]!”
  2. “I hope you get to do something fun to celebrate!”
  3. “You deserve everything happy.
  4. “[Aaron], hope you have a happy [27th]!
  5. “Happy Birthday to a strong and brilliant daughter who will turn the world around!”
  6. “Gil, Warmest wishes for a happy birthday.”

What do you write in a teenage card?

13th Birthday Quotes That Celebrate Becoming a Teen

  1. Welcome to the first of your seven teenage years!
  2. Happy birthday to the youngest teenager in my life!
  3. Lucky thirteen looks good on you!
  4. Today is the first day of your life as a teenager.
  5. No longer a tween, how exciting that you’re turning 13!

Is 17 a big birthday?

Turning seventeen is more often than not downplayed when it comes to teenage birthday celebrations. Granted that this age is nestled between two big milestone birthdays, a sweet sixteen and an eighteenth birthday. However, it still rightfully deserves a proper birthday extravaganza.

How do you wish a girl happy birthday?

Happy birthday, my sweet queen.

  1. Happy birthday, sweet angel. May your day be absolutely colorful and wonderful.
  2. Sweet baby, you have no idea how much I wish you were here with me on this special day. I hope you enjoy a magnificent birthday.
  3. Wishing you, my darling girlfriend, a marvelous birthday celebration and life.

How do you wish a girl a happy birthday special?

Birthday Wishes for a Special Girl

  1. Sweet and special wishes for a special girl.
  2. You deserve the most special birthday.
  3. Wishing you a bright and colourful birthday.
  4. Happy birthday to the sweetest girl.
  5. To the most precious girl in my life.
  6. A girl so beautiful and unique.
  7. Wishing you a magical birthday, sweetheart.

How do you say happy birthday to a teenage girl?

Welcome to the teenage world! I wish you a wonderful birthday. May you always get everything you want in life! May you get love and happiness from everyone.