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What do you mean by spotted?

What do you mean by spotted?

Definition of spotted 1 : marked with spots. 2 : being sullied : tarnished. 3 : characterized by the appearance of spots.

What’s a pinched face?

/pɪntʃt/ A pinched face is thin and pale: He had that pinched look that suggests poverty and lack of nourishment. Synonym. emaciated formal.

What is a pinched expression?

adjective. 1(of a person or their face) tense and pale from cold, worry, or hunger. ‘her pinched, sallow face’ ‘Her usually rosy cheeks were now pinched and deathly pale. ‘

What is pinch example?

1. Pinch means to squeeze between two surfaces, such as the thumb and a finger, or to pluck off the end of a plant, or to be frugal with money, or is slang for stealing. An example of pinch is for a child to squeeze his brother’s arm between his index finger and thumb.

How do you use spotted?

(1) Two alert scientists spotted the mistake. (2) You were lucky you spotted the danger in time. (3) I spotted a well-endowed girl in the audience wearing a tight white T-shirt. (4) They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy.

What is the synonym of spotted?

mottled, dappled, dapple, pied, piebald, brindled, brindle, speckled, speckly, flecked, specked, stippled. informal splodgy, splotchy.

What does pinched mean in England?

transitive ​British​informalto steal something. Synonyms and related words. To steal, or steal something.

How do you say pinched?

Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘pinched’:

  1. Break ‘pinched’ down into sounds: [PINCHT] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
  2. Record yourself saying ‘pinched’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

What is flower pinching?

Pinching plants is the act of removing the end of a plant just above a node (or bulge) on the stem where the leaves are attached. You remove the end set of leaves or buds and, in response, the plant sends out two new branches (also known as lateral stems), which results in more leaves and flowers.

What does it mean to spot something?

1 : to stain the character or reputation of : disgrace. 2 : to mark in or with a spot : stain The snow was spotted with blood. His pants were spotted with mud. 3 : to locate or identify by a spot.

What is another word for spot on?

What is another word for spot-on?

accurate correct
spot on on target
on the money on the mark
on the button faithful
strict faultless

What is the meaning of pinch?

1 : to squeeze between the finger and thumb or between the jaws of an instrument My aunt pinched my cheeks. 2 : to squeeze painfully I pinched my finger in a door. 3 : to break off by squeezing with the thumb and fingers Pinch off a bit of dough. 1 : a time of emergency He always helps out in a pinch.

What is the meaning of pinch roller?

Definition of pinch roller. : a roller of flexible material which presses the tape or wire in a magnetic recorder against the capstan for drive purposes.

What does it mean to pinch off a piece of dough?

3 : to break off by squeezing with the thumb and fingers Pinch off a bit of dough. 4 : to cause to look thin or shrunken …

What is a pinch hitter?

Kids Definition of pinch hitter 1 : a baseball player who is sent in to bat for another 2 : a person who does another’s work in an emergency