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What causes classical swine fever?

What causes classical swine fever?

Classical swine fever is caused by a small, enveloped RNA virus in the genus Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae. Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is antigenically related to the other pestiviruses, mainly to bovine viral diarrhea virus.

How is African swine fever transmitted?

African Swine Fever (ASF) is a highly contagious and deadly swine disease that can affect both farm-raised and feral (wild) pigs. ASF doesn’t infect people, but it is readily passed from one pig to another by direct contact with bodily fluids from an infected pig.

Is the African swine fever an rna virus?

Indeed, the African Swine Fever Virus virion contains a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase consisting of several subunits, which is able to control the expression of viral genes (Rodriguez and Salas, 2013) in a time-dependent manner (Fig. 2).

Which are the main target cells for replication of ASF virus?

1) (Hernaez et al., 2013). Currently information is lacking on the targets and impact of A179 L in infected cells, particularly macrophages and monocytes, the main target cells for replication in vivo. Mechanisms of apoptosis inhibition by ASFV.

What is the difference between African swine fever and Classical Swine Fever?

ASF is caused by a virus that is unrelated to the classical swine fever virus and has a more complex genetic structure. Both ASF and CSF affect pigs only, and do not infect humans and other livestock.

What is the mechanical transmission of CSF virus?

CSF virus transmission also occurs via transfer of infected blood or semen. Infected animals shed the virus in saliva, feces, urine, blood, and nasal secretions. Mechanical transmission of the virus is possible with contaminated equipment, vehicles, clothing, and footwear (fomites) after outbreaks (Kleiboeker, 2002).

How is African swine fever transmitted quizlet?

-ASF is transmitted by ticks.

Is African swine fever airborne disease?

The source of airborne virus was not determined. The failure of ASF virus to spread to sentinel control pigs housed in adjacent loose-boxes and other loose-boxes in the isolation unit suggests that the airborne spread of ASF is only likely to be a problem in intensive housing systems.

What type of virus is African swine fever?

African swine fever is a highly contagious haemorrhagic viral disease of domestic and wild pigs, responsible for serious production and economic losses due to its high mortality rate and the control measures implemented by affected countries. It is caused by a DNA virus of the Asfarviridae family.

Is African swine fever a DNA virus?

African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a 200 nm diameter icosahedral DNA virus comprising envelope, capsid, inner capsule membrane, core shell, and inner core. The viral genome is a linear 170–190 kb long double-stranded DNA molecule with covalently closed ends.

What virus causes African swine fever?

African swine fever (ASF) is caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV), which can cause substantial morbidity and mortality events in swine. The virus can be transmitted via direct and indirect contacts with infected swine, their products, or competent vector species, especially Ornithodoros ticks.

Where is African swine fever from?

African swine fever is a contagious, viral disease that affects domestic pigs and wild boar, leading to high mortality. It does not affect people. First detected in the early 1900s in Africa, the disease has spread to countries in Asia and Europe.

Is fever a host defense mechanism?

This chapter describes fever as a host defense mechanism. The English word fever stems from the Latin word febris; pyrexia is a synonym derived from the Greek word pyretos. Fever has been recorded and associated with diseases throughout history. From the beginning, it was believed to be beneficial.

What is the autonomic response to fever?

In mammals the autonomic and behavioral responses in fever are complementary, both acting to raise body temperature. In reptiles, amphibia and fish, which have no strong autonomic thermoregulatory mechanisms to call upon, fever is chiefly dependent on the behavioral repertoire.

Can the Mo initiate fever independently of the POA?

Hence, only the MO appears autonomously capable of initiating fever independently of connections with the POA; it may become activated particularly when the POA is impaired [ 81, 82, 83 ].

What are the mediators of febrile fever?

Putative Mediators of Fever As is implicit from the preceding sections, the febrile response to pyrogens is influenced both peripherally and centrally by a variety of facilitatory and inhibitory factors. Their postulated roles are based on the following, general findings: 1. 2.