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What are the best lightsaber crystals in Kotor 2?

What are the best lightsaber crystals in Kotor 2?

Kotor 2 Best Lightsaber Combinations

  • Barab Ore Ingot.
  • Upari.
  • Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell.
  • Expert Fencing Emitter.
  • Ponite Lens.

What does the player crystal do Kotor 2?

This crystal determines the color of the blade, but has no other effect. Color crystals cannot be created.

What is the strongest crystal in kyber?

What are the Strongest Crystals?

  1. Ghost-fire Crystal. The Most DANGEROUS Kyber Crystal Ever Discovered – The Ghostfire Kyber Crystal.
  2. Kaiburr Crystal. The Most POWERFUL Lightsaber Crystal (Vader had it) – NOT CLICKBAIT.
  3. Synthetic Crystal.
  4. Kylo Ren’s Crystal.
  5. Darksaber Crystal.

Who used a Pontite crystal?

Pontite was a type of crystal, and a member of the Adegan crystal family. For millennia, Jedi Knights used Adegan crystals, including pontite, as the focusing crystal in their lightsabers.

What order should you do the planets in KotOR 2?

The best planet order is: Na Shaddaa, Onderon, Dxun, Korriban and Dantooine. The final planet in the game is the last place to visit in order to play out arcs that will play out later in the story. The world of Kotor 2 opens up, allowing you to travel to a vast range of planets in any order you want.

What is the best class in KotOR 2?

The Jedi Consular is the Best Class If you’re looking for the class and build that is going to get you the most out of KotOR II then you need not look any further than the Jedi Consular.

What lightsaber did Meetra Surik have?

Meetra Surik wielded a personal blue-bladed lightsaber during and after the Dark Wars. The tool was constructed by Surik, the Jedi exile, under the tutelage of Kreia.

Can you get a purple lightsaber in Kotor?

Two guaranteed drop locations are a rubble pile in the eastern dune sea on Tatooine, and an urn in Tulak Hord’s tomb in Korriban. Though the random dark Jedi ambushers like on Tatooine and Kashyyyk often carry purple lightsabers with them and you can loot it from them.

What’s the rarest Kyber crystal?

For this list, we’ll go with the Ghostfire crystal, making it the rarest and most dangerous lightsaber crystal in Star Wars Legends.

How rare is the black Kyber crystal?

According to an insider, the rare black Kyber crystal is available if you get the red Kyber crystal, and the odds of getting them are 1 in 100.

What is the orange lightsaber?

An orange lightsaber indicates that a delicate balance has been struck between the light and dark sides of the Force. A Jedi in possession of one has not completely turned their back on either belief system, but rather exists somewhere in the middle.