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What are the 7 scale degree names?

What are the 7 scale degree names?

These are:

  • 1st degree – The tonic.
  • 2nd degree – The supertonic.
  • 3rd degree – The mediant.
  • 4th degree – The subdominant.
  • 5th degree – The dominant.
  • 6th degree – The submediant.
  • 7th degree – The leading note (or leading tone)

What are the 8 scale degrees?

Scale degree names

Degree Name Semitones
3 Mediant 3-4
4 Subdominant 5
5 Dominant 7
6 Submediant 8-9

What are the degree names of the scale?

How do you find the scale degree?

  • C is the first degree of the scale. The first degree is the tonic.
  • D is the second degree of the scale.
  • E is the third degree of the scale.
  • F is the fourth degree of the scale.
  • G is the fifth degree of the scale.
  • A is the sixth degree of the scale.
  • B is the seventh degree of the scale.

How many major scales are there?

12 Major Scales
The 12 Major Scales The major scale pattern works just the same way if it starts on any other note. Since we have 12 different notes in the musical alphabet and the major scale can start on any of them, we get 12 major scales.

How are scales named?

Major scales are named for their first and last note. Example 1 depicts a C major scale because its first and last note is a C. Always be sure to include the accidental of the first and last note when you name a scale.

What is the name for scale degree 3?

mi Mediant
Scale Degrees, Solfège, and Scale-degree Names

Scale Degree Number Solfège Scale Degree Name
^1 do Tonic
^2 re Supertonic
^3 mi Mediant
^4 fa Subdominant

How do you remember scale degree names?

I remember these by using the mnemonic – “To see more sheep, don’t say lunch”, the first letters of each of these words matches up with – tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant and leading note.

What is in a major scale?

The major scale is a seven note scale that consists of a series of whole steps and half steps. The half steps exist between the third and fourth, and seventh and eighth scale degrees. Another name for the major scale is the diatonic scale.

What is the order of the 12 major scales?

The 12-Major Scales

  • C Major Scale. The C-Major scale is one of the first scales we learn because it doesn’t contain any sharps or flats.
  • D Major Scale. The D-Major scale contains two sharps in the key signature, F-sharp and C-sharp.
  • E Major Scale.
  • F Major Scale.
  • G Major Scale.
  • A Major Scale.
  • B Major Scale.

Are there 12 or 15 major scales?

In total, there are 12 major scales because the major scale pattern can begin on any of the 12 notes of the musical alphabet. What’s really interesting is that some major scales can be spelled out using either sharps or flats even though they would sound the same.

How many types of scales are there?

In this article, we will learn four types of scales such as nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scale.