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What are the 5 types of hernias?

What are the 5 types of hernias?

The most common types of hernia are inguinal (inner groin), incisional (resulting from an incision), femoral (outer groin), umbilical (belly button), and hiatal (upper stomach). In an inguinal hernia, the intestine or the bladder protrudes through the abdominal wall or into the inguinal canal in the groin.

What is hernia meaning?

A hernia occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. For example, the intestines may break through a weakened area in the abdominal wall. Many hernias occur in the abdomen between your chest and hips, but they can also appear in the upper thigh and groin areas.

What are the types of inguinal hernia?

Inguinal hernias come in two types:

  • Indirect inguinal hernia. This is the most common type, and a type of hernia that you may be born with.
  • Direct inguinal hernia. This type of hernia is caused by weakening of your abdominal muscles over time and is more likely to be seen in adults.

What is the main cause of hernia?

In general, a hernia starts with pressure on an organ or your intestines. A hernia forms when this pressure happens in the same area as a weakened muscle or tissue. Some people are born with weak muscles or tissue that isn’t fully developed. However, most people get hernias as their bodies age and their muscles weaken.

What is female hernia?

A: Your abdomen is covered in layers of muscle and strong tissue that help you move and protect internal organs. A hernia is a gap in this muscular wall that allows the contents inside the abdomen to protrude outward. There are different types of hernias, but the most common hernias occur in the belly or groin areas.

What is best treatment for hernia?

What is the best treatment for a hernia? Hernias will not go away with time, nor can they be treated with exercises or medication. According to Dr. Sherman, surgery is really the only treatment to repair a hernia.

What means inguinal?

Medical Definition of inguinal 1 : of, relating to, or situated in the region of the groin an inguinal rash. 2 : of or relating to either of the lowest lateral regions of the abdomen : iliac sense 2 the inguinal abdominal region. Other Words from inguinal.

What is femoral hernia?

A femoral hernia is a rare type of hernia. Femoral hernias sometimes appear as a painful lump in the inner upper part of the thigh or groin. The lump can often be pushed back in or disappears when you lie down. Coughing or straining may make the lump appear.

What are the different types of hernias?

The following are some of the most common hernia types that occur in the body. An epigastric hernia is one that occurs in the epigastric region of the abdomen, which is located above the belly button and below the ribcage.

What is a hernia?

A hernia occurs when a piece of tissue bulges through an area of the body — usually a weak point in a person’s abdominal wall. Some hernias may cause few symptoms. Others can be a medical emergency. Here we’ll discuss different areas in the body where hernias can occur, plus guide you to more in-depth articles about each hernia type.

How common are hernias in the groin area?

An estimated 2 to 4 percent of all hernias that occur in the groin are femoral ones. Women experience femoral hernias more often than men. A femoral hernia can be a cause for concern due to the femoral artery and vein being nearby. It’s possible the hernia could affect these blood vessels and block blood flow to and from the leg.

What are the signs and symptoms of a hernia?

What are the symptoms of a hernia? 1 Swelling or bulge in the groin or scrotum (the pouch that contains the testicles). 2 Increased pain at the site of the bulge. 3 Pain while lifting. 4 Increase in the bulge size over time. 5 A dull aching sensation. 6 A sense of feeling full or signs of bowel obstruction.