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What are the 21 subject classes of the Library of Congress classification scheme?

What are the 21 subject classes of the Library of Congress classification scheme?

Main Classes

A General Works
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
C Auxiliary Sciences of History
D World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

What is classification number in library?

Classification Number is also called class number or class mark. It is the first part of a call number which is used to classify library resources by subject area. In a Relative location, Classification Number also shows the place of the item on the shelves and in relation to other subjects.

How do I read the Library of Congress number?

How to Read Library of Congress Call Numbers

  1. First letters: one, two or three letters that are arranged alphabetically.
  2. First numbers: the first set of numbers are read as whole numbers.
  3. Second letters: are preceded by a decimal point and are arranged alphabetically.
  4. Second numbers: are treated as decimals.

How many classes are there in the Library of Congress classification system?

The system divides all knowledge into twenty-one basic classes, each identified by a single letter of the alphabet. Most of these alphabetical classes are further divided into more specific subclasses, identified by two-letter, or occasionally three-letter, combinations.

How do library numbers work?

Each book in the library has a unique call number. A call number is like an address: it tells us where the book is located in the library. Call numbers appear on the spines of books and journals and in the library’s catalog. Note that the same call number can be written from top-to-bottom or left-to-right.

How are call numbers completed in a library using Library of Congress classification?

As you know, LC call numbers are composed of several parts that usually appear in a predictable order. The class or subclass, represented by letters, comes first. It is followed by an Arabic numeral, which is followed by one or more cutter numbers.

How do I find my library classification number?

In a new book, the Library of Congress information is often printed in the front of the book. This is the first place to start. The suggested Dewey number will be at the end of the listing and will be a 3 digit number, possibly followed by a decimal and further digits.

What do the Library of Congress numbers mean?

Each book in the library has a unique “call number”, which is a combination of letters and numbers. A call number is like an address; it describes the exact location of the book and tells you where to find the book on the shelves.

What is the difference between call number and class number?

Together, the class number and the book number form a unique call number—an address that communicates information about the subject of an item and where a specific item may be found within (an alphabetical list of similar items in) its subject class.

How do I find the classification number of a book?

The best place to begin your search is the Library of Congress Online Catalog. When you open a record for a book in the catalog, click on the Full Record tab at the top of the page and look for a field labeled “Dewey Class No.” If this field is listed, it will give the book’s Dewey classification.

What is a Library of Congress catalog card number?

Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCNs) are record identifiers assigned by the Library of Congress to bibliographic and authority records. First established when the Library began printing catalog cards in 1898, these unique identifiers are assigned to records created when materials arrive at the Library.

What do the letters in the Library of Congress classification system mean?

The LoC call numbers consist of one or two letters, followed by a number. The next set of letters and numbers usually indicate the author’s last name and the year the work was published. Books are arranged in order of the LoC number, alphabetically first and then by number.

What is the Library of Congress Classification?

The Library of Congress Classification ( LCC) is a system of library classification developed by the Library of Congress in the United States, which can be used for shelving books in a library. It is used by most research and academic libraries in the U.S. and several other countries.

What do the letters mean on Library of Congress call numbers?

First letters: The first letter of a Library of Congress call number indicates the general class the call number falls within. In our example, the book is located under H, which is where books on social sciences are classed. If there is a second or third letter, these indicate a specific subclass.

What do the numbers on the library books mean?

Each book in the library has a unique “call number”, which is a combination of letters and numbers. A call number is like an address; it describes the exact location of the book and tells you where to find the book on the shelves. It also tells you something about the subject matter of the book.

How many lines are in a library call number?

Each call number may contain three, four or five lines. Line 5: Copy number [c.1 – If a library has multiple copies of the same book, these will be identified by a copy number.] LC call numbers are read from left to right, and from top to bottom.