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What are some rock quotes?

What are some rock quotes?

25 quotes by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson on hard work, motivation, and success

  • “What’s the key to success?
  • “With drive and a bit of talent you can move mountains.”
  • “Don’t be afraid to be ambitious about your goals.
  • “If something stands between you and your success, MOVE IT!
  • “The wall!

What is rock n roll quotes?

Rock & Roll quotes about its origins

  • “ If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it ‘Chuck Berry’.” –
  • “ Elvis may be the King of rock and roll, but I am the Queen.”-
  • “ Rock and roll is not just music, it is a way of life, it has its own spirit.”-

What is rock music quotes?

Famous Rock And Roll Quotes

  • “I’m into rock ‘n’ roll because rock ‘n’ roll, to me, means freedom.”
  • ‘Rock and roll ain’t nothing but jazz with a hard backbeat.
  • ‘I wanted to have the adoration of John Lennon but have the anonymity of Ringo Starr.
  • “Rock and Roll: Music for the neck downwards.”

What are some good music quotes?

Music Quotes

  • One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
  • Music is a moral law.
  • Where words fail, music speaks.
  • Without music, life would be a mistake.
  • I think music in itself is healing.
  • Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
  • Music was my refuge.

What is the rock’s favorite saying?

The Rock’s most popular catchphrase is “If You Smell What the Rock is Cooking!”.

What is Dwayne Johnson’s favorite quote?

Be humble. Be hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room. The single most powerful thing I can be is to be myself.

What are some music slogans?

Let the Music Speak! Life is a song, love is the music. Like music to my ears. Love is my weapon, music is my religion, peace is in my soul.

What is the most famous music quote?

Quotes About Music

  • “Music is life itself.” –
  • “Music is the soundtrack of your life.” –
  • “Life is one grand, sweet song so start the music.” –
  • “Music is love in search of a word.” –
  • “Music is the shorthand of emotion.” –
  • “The only truth is music.” –
  • “Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.” –