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Is viljar Hanssen still alive?

Is viljar Hanssen still alive?

Viljar Hanssen, 27, was a high school student in Longyearbyen when he became one of the most recognizable survivors of the July 22, 2011, massacre at Utøya. He suffered near-fatal injuries after being shot five times, ultimately losing an eye and suffering severe impairment of his motor functions.

Where is Anders Behring Breivik imprisoned?

Skien Prison
In 2016, Breivik sued the Norwegian Correctional Service, claiming that his solitary confinement violated his human rights….Anders Behring Breivik.

Fjotolf Hansen
Born Anders Behring Breivik 13 February 1979 Oslo, Norway
Status Imprisoned at Skien Prison
Other names Fjotolf Hansen, Andrew Berwick, Anders Behring

What happened Oslo 22 July?

The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli) or as 22/7, were two domestic terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp, in which 77 people were killed.

How long was viljar Hanssen in the hospital?

Asne Seierstad, in her book One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway, recounts the emotionally powerful testimony of 18-year-old Viljar Hanssen. Hanssen was shot by Breivik. He lay in a coma for six days in an Oslo hospital.

Where was Viljar from?

Svalbard, Norway
22 July (2018)

Jonas Strand Gravli Viljar Hanssen Birthplace: Svalbard, Norway
Anders Danielsen Lie Born: January 1, 1979 Birthplace: Oslo, Norway Anders Breivik Born: February 13, 1979 Birthplace: Oslo, Norway
Isak Bakli Aglen Torje Hanssen

How long will Anders Breivik be in jail?

Anders Breivik: Norwegian terrorist still ‘very dangerous’ after 10 years in jail and should not be released on parole, court told | World News | Sky News.

Will Anders Breivik get out after 21 years?

He never gets out’. Tuesday’s ruling can be subject to appeal. Norwegian broadcaster TV2 cited Storrvik saying Breivik would appeal the ruling. His 21-year sentence is Norway’s maximum, it can be extended indefinitely if he is deemed a continued threat to society.

What is special about July 22nd?

National Parents’ Day and National Hammock Day are celebrated on this day.

What happened July 22nd Survivor?

On 22 July 2011, far-right extremist Anders Breivik set off a car bomb outside government offices in Oslo and, two hours later, attacked a summer camp for young political activists on Utøya island. Seventy-seven people were killed that day – most of them on the island.