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Is there a 2nd life as we know it?

Is there a 2nd life as we know it?

The Dead and the Gone (Life As We Knew It #2) by Susan Beth Pfeffer, Paperback | Barnes & NobleĀ®

What genre is The Dead and the Gone?

Young adult fiction
Science fiction
The Dead and The Gone/Genres

How does The Dead and the Gone end?

Bri gets trapped in an elevator and dies, and Kevin is killed. At his wit’s end, Alex, drawing on his faith, turns to the church. Father Mulrooney and Sister Rita help him and Julie to survive.

What comes after life as we knew it?

Life As We Knew It is a young adult science fiction novel by American author Susan Beth Pfeffer, first published in 2006 by Harcourt Books. It is the first book in The Last Survivors series, followed by The Dead and the Gone.

How many books are in the life as we knew it?

4 books
There are 4 books in this series.

What is the order of the life as we knew it series?

Life As We Knew It2006
The Dead and The Gone2008This World We Live in2010The Shade of the Moon2013
The Last Survivors/Books

How old is Alex in The Dead and the Gone?

the dead and the gone follows seventeen-year-old Alex Morales on the eve of the disaster. A smart, driven young man of Puerto Rican descent, Alex spends his evenings working for extra money at the local pizza parlor in New York City.

What is the climax of the Dead and the Gone?

CLIMAX. Alex made some fiends in the summer program. The group of them stick together and help out with Julie.

What did Jon do to Julie?

He lets on early on in the book that something bad happened to Alex’s sister Julie. He at one point misleads a female character to believe that he raped Julie to drive her away from him. This is done to protect her, and the reader is led to believe through this scene that Jon obviously didn’t rape Julie.

Is Miranda in the shade of the moon?

His prowess on a soccer field has guaranteed him a home in a well-protected enclave. But Jon is painfully aware that a missed goal, a careless word, even falling in love, can put his life and the lives of his mother, his sister Miranda, and her husband, Alex, in jeopardy.

What is the order of life as we knew it series?

Is there a movie based on the book Life as we knew it?

Life as We Know It is a 2010 American romantic comedy film directed by Greg Berlanti, starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel. It was released on October 8, 2010, after sneak previews in 811 theaters on October 2, 2010.