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Is stonily a word?

Is stonily a word?

in a way that shows a lack of feeling or sympathy She stared stonily at him for a minute.

Is Wanderment a word?

n. 1. The act of wandering, or roaming.

Is Unpraised a word?

adjective. Not praised; uncelebrated, unsung.

Is Recollectively a word?

To become aware of one’s immediate situation or purpose after a distraction: recollected myself after the interruption. [Medieval Latin recolligere, recollēct-, from Latin, to gather up : re-, re- + colligere, to collect; see collect1.] rec′ol·lec′tive adj. Adj.

Who is a dignitary person?

Definition of dignitary : one who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of dignity or honor.

Is despondently a word?

Meaning of despondently in English in a way that shows that you are unhappy, with no hope or enthusiasm: “It’s hopeless,” he said, shaking his head despondently. She sat despondently, saying little.

How do you express awe?

Part of speech:

  1. amazement. (Uncountable) The condition of being.
  2. reverential fear.
  3. respect. To have regard for something, to.
  4. marvel. One that evokes surprise, admiration, or wonder.
  5. amaze. (Now poetic) Amazement, astonishment.
  6. astonishment.
  7. reverence.
  8. wonder.

What is the closest meaning to doffed?

peeled (off), put off, removed, shrugged off, took off.

What does Dispraised mean?

Definition of dispraise transitive verb. : to comment on with disapproval or censure.

Is it re collect or recollect?

Recollection is necessary to work out appropriate ways to remember the dead of the conflict as well as how to pay attention to the continuing impact on those who remain. Re-collection is also essential in the sense of taking stock, creating an emotional inventory of capacity, strength and the desire to rebuild.

What’s another word for recollection?

Frequently Asked Questions About recollection Some common synonyms of recollection are memory, remembrance, and reminiscence. While all these words mean “the capacity for or the act of remembering, or the thing remembered,” recollection adds an implication of consciously bringing back to mind often with some effort.

What is the meaning of Stony?

Unfeeling or hardhearted; unemotional or unsympathetic: “Her tears had dried and she felt a stony kind of calm” (Adam Haslett). b. Exhibiting no feeling or warmth; impassive: a stony expression. c. Emotionally numbing or paralyzing: a stony feeling of fear. 3. Slang Relating to or indulging in the use of marijuana. ston′i·ness n.

What is a stony kind of calm?

Unfeeling or hardhearted; unemotional or unsympathetic: “Her tears had dried and she felt a stony kind of calm” (Adam Haslett). b. Exhibiting no feeling or warmth; impassive: a stony expression.

What is the meaning of stone?

1. (also adjective) (of) the material of which rocks are composed. limestone; sandstone; a stone house; stone walls; In early times, men made tools out of stone.