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Is it advice or advise in American English?

Is it advice or advise in American English?

Advise is a verb meaning to give a recommendation, opinion, or information. Advice is a noun referring to the opinion or information given or received. Very simply, “advise” means “to give advice.”

Is advise British English?

Advise is a verb, which means to give information and suggest types of action. For example: “I advise everybody to be nice to their teacher.” ! Note – In British English the noun form often ends in …

What is correct advice or advise?

The main difference between advice vs advise is that “advise” (with an S) is a verb, which means to recommend, or to give information to someone. On the other hand, “advice” (with a C) is a noun: an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action.

What is the British spelling of advice?

American English vs British English The advice vs. advise conundrum comes largely from the differences in spelling between British English and American English. In British English, many words that have both a verb and a noun form change between the “s” and “c” to distinguish.

Is saying please advise rude?

In the end, there’s nothing grammatically wrong with “please advise.” It’s just a question of usage and style. Some people don’t like it because it can be interpreted as rude or demanding. Other people think it’s redundant: just ask your question and call it a day.

How do you remember advise or advice?

Remembering Proper Usage advise comes up a quick and easy tip to remember is that advise means to give advice. Some other tips to keep in mind regarding advice and advise are: Advice is the information or an opinion that you give or receive. Advise is what you do when you instruct or notify.

Can you please advise or advice?

Do you use “Please advice” or “Please advise”? Well, the correct phrase is actually “Please advise”. Some grammar experts say that “Please advise” must have an object after the phrase because advise is a transitive verb. But since it’s widely used (especially in email), “Please advise” is grammatically accepted.

What can I say instead of please advise?

Here are a few possible synonyms for “please advise”:

  • Let me know.
  • Get back to me.
  • Can you give me your thoughts, answers, or input?
  • Give me the information I already asked for in the body of this email.
  • I’m waiting for you to respond.

Is Advisor American spelling?

For those more old school, the Oxford Dictionary says: “The spellings adviser and advisor are both correct. Adviser is more common, but advisor is also widely used, especially in North America. Adviser may be seen as less formal, while advisor often suggests an official position.”

When to Use advise in a sentence?

In other words, to advise means to give advice. For example, here are a couple of examples of advise in a sentence: The lawyer advised the client not to sign anything that she did not read first. My mother always advises me to bring a jacket to the movie theater because the air conditioning can be chilly.

Is it rude to say please advise?