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How much was a gallon of gas in 1970?

How much was a gallon of gas in 1970?

$0.36 per gallon
For the average American, drivers went from paying $0.36 per gallon at the pump in 1970 (which is equal to about $1.72 per gallon in today’s dollars) to $1.19 per gallon in 1980 (which is equivalent to about $2.95 per gallon).

What was the price of gas in 1965?

0.30 1.73
Supporting Information

Year Retail Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Retail Gasoline Price (Constant 2015 dollars/gallon)
1965 0.30 1.73
1966 0.31 1.73
1967 0.32 1.73
1968 0.33 1.71

What was the price of gas in 1972?

0.36 1.59
Supporting Information

Year Retail Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Retail Gasoline Price (Constant 2015 dollars/gallon)
1972 0.36 1.59
1973 0.39 1.62
1974 0.53 2.03
1975 0.57 1.98

What was the price of a gallon of gas in 1960?

$0.31 a gallon
In 1960, gasoline cost $0.31 a gallon.

How much was gas in the 1920?

Throughout the 1920s, gas prices averaged 21 to 30 cents per gallon.

How much was gas in the 1950s?

I read that in 1950, the average price of gas was only 27 cents a gallon.

How much did a house cost 100 years ago?

The average cost of a house in 1915 was $3,200 ($75,600 in 2015 dollars) and the original Model T rolled off the line to the tune of $850 ($20,000 in 2015 dollars), but the average male worker only made $687 a year ($16,063 in today’s money), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Women made half of that.

How much was gas in the 1940s?

Supporting Information

Year Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Gasoline Price (Constant 2011 dollars/gallon)
1940 0.18 2.40
1941 0.19 2.35
1942 0.20 2.31
1943 0.21 2.20

How much was gas 1941?

Supporting Information

Year Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Gasoline Price (Constant 2011 dollars/gallon)
1941 0.19 2.35
1942 0.20 2.31
1943 0.21 2.20
1944 0.21 2.16

What was a good salary in 1920?

Wages in 1920 As is the case today, wage earners in the United States filed tax returns and paid federal tax on their wages. In 1920, the Internal Revenue Service reports, the average income was $3,269.40 per year.

How much was a mortgage in 1966?

1966: $21,400 The space race was in high gear, with the USSR landing a vehicle on the moon and the U.S. successfully completing its Gemini program — the precursor to the Apollo moon landing missions. Home prices continued to climb higher, reaching a median of $21,400.