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How many people work for the EIA?

How many people work for the EIA?

EIA disseminates its data products, analyses, reports, and services to customers and stakeholders primarily through its website and the customer contact center. Located in Washington, D.C., EIA has about 325 federal employees and a budget of $126.8 million in fiscal year 2021.

What does EIA Gov stand for?

U.S. Energy Information Administration
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

What is an Alice job?

Raise wages with your work. Wealthy people have tax and financial advisors—hourly workers don’t. Alice uses software that adds money to the paychecks of working Americans.

How many people work at Edmonton International Airport?

EIA Team is more than 80 companies and 5,000 employees who work at Edmonton International Airport (EIA). Watch the video to learn more about our airport in 30 seconds.

Is EIA a government agency?

The Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977 established EIA as the primary federal government authority on energy statistics and analysis, building upon systems and organizations first established in 1974 following the oil market disruption of 1973. EIA is located in Washington, DC.

Who runs EIA?

Linda Capuano
Duties. Linda Capuano was appointed Administrator of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) in January 2018.

What is Edmonton’s airport code?

Edmonton International Airport/Code

How is EIA data collected?

EIA information regarding prices, domestic reserves, production, imports, storage, distribution and consumption of oil, petroleum products, biofuels, natural gas and other associated liquids is collected through a comprehen- sive program consisting of 10 weekly surveys, 16 monthly surveys, 5 annual surveys, and one …

What is EIA oil industry?

Homepage – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

When did EIA open?

November 15, 1960
On November 15, 1960, Edmonton International Airport opened for passenger service using the L-3 Communications Spar Aviation hangar as a temporary terminal.

Does Edmonton have 2 airports?

Edmonton Airports operates the Edmonton International Airport (EIA) and the Edmonton/Villeneuve Airport.

What is EIA energy?

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the statistical agency of the Department of Energy. It provides policy-independent data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policy making, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy, and its interaction with the economy and the environment.