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How many halos are needed for killing spree?

How many halos are needed for killing spree?

5 opponents
The Killing Spree medal is awarded for killing 5 opponents in a row without dying in multiplayer and Spartan Ops. In campaign and Firefight it is awarded for killing 10 opponents in a row without dying.

What are all the killing sprees in Halo?

List of Halo 4 medals

Name Requirement
Killing Sprees
Killing Spree Kill 5 opponents in a row without dying.
Killing Frenzy Kill 10 opponents in a row without dying.
Running Riot Kill 15 opponents in a row without dying.

What is the highest kill streak in Halo?

Halo 2

Medal Kills (One Life)
Killing Spree 5
Running Riot 10
Rampage 15
Berserker 20

How many kills is a Kilimanjaro?

7 opponents
The Killimanjaro medal, also called Killamanjaro in Halo: Spartan Assault, is awarded for killing 7 opponents within four seconds (4.5 seconds for Halo 4) of each other.

How many kills is a Unfrigginbelievable?

The Unfrigginbelievable medal, otherwise known as the Demon medal in Halo Infinite, is awarded to players after killing 40 opponents in a row without dying in multiplayer and Halo 4 Spartan Ops or after killing 1000 opponents in a row without dying in Firefight or Campaign in Halo: Reach.

What is a 20 kill streak called?

Killstreak Medals

Medal Name Description
Relentless Achieve a 20 kill streak. Reward: 1000 XP
Brutal Achieve a 25 kill streak. Reward: 1000 XP
Nuclear Achieve a 30 kill streak. Reward: 1000 XP
Unstoppable Awarded for every kill after 30, such as 31, 32, etc. Reward: 100 XP

How many kills is a Killpocalypse?

nine opponents
The Killpocalypse medal is awarded for killing nine opponents within four seconds of each other in standard multiplayer games (and Halo: Spartan Assault) and within less time in campaign and Firefight.

How many kills is Unfrigginbelievable?

Is Unfrigginbelievable in Halo Infinite?