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How far will a CVA Accura V2 shoot?

How far will a CVA Accura V2 shoot?

The Accura LR boasts a 300-yard shooting capability by providing better velocity through its 30″ Nitride-treated Bergara barrel.

When did the CVA Accura V2 come out?

May 25, 2016 – In 2015, CVA introduced the Accura V2 LR or “Long Range” model. The rifle was met with rave reviews from hunters and muzzleloader shooters all across the country. The Accura LR is designed to be the most accurate muzzleloader CVA has ever offered.

Is CVA owned by Bergara?

Every barrel that we use today is also made in Bergara at the BERGARA BARRELS factory, which, like CVA, is wholly owned by our parent company.

What is the best load for CVA Accura?

The best combo I’ve found in my CVA Accura V2 is 250 grain Hornady SSTs (45 cal bullet, 50 cal sabot) with 2 triple 7 magnum pellets (60 grains each). It’s very accurate and effective so far.

What powder does CVA recommend?

CVA recommends a minimum of 50 grains, by volume, of blackpowder or blackpowder substitute in your . 45 or . 50 caliber muzzleloader. The maximum load in CVA break- action guns, and any other CVA in-line rifle designated as a “Magnum” is 150 grains by volume.

Does CVA use Bergara barrels?

How can CVA be so confident in the accuracy of our guns? Well, it’s pretty simple, the Accura and Paramount come with genuine Bergara barrels as standard equipment.

Is the CVA Accura a Magnum?

CVA redesigned the break-action frame for their new Accura line. Compact, with few moving parts, the Accura is light and sleek with a break-action that can be disassembled with just one screw.

Do CVA rifles have Bergara barrels?

All CVA ACCURA® V2 models provide a level of accuracy performance that is unequaled by any break-action muzzleloaders on the market today. This degree of precision is attained because ACCURA V2 rifles are equipped with 27”, custom quality Bergara® barrels.

What is the cleanest burning black powder?

Blackhorn 209 produces some of the highest velocities out of all available black powder substitutes. Additionally, it’s very consistent in performance, which really aids accuracy. It’s also non-corrosive and is by far the cleanest burning black powder substitute.

Does CVA own PowerBelt?