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How do you write a reflection statement for HSC?

How do you write a reflection statement for HSC?

A reflection statement isn’t a simple recap of what you did to complete the task. It’s a self-assessment on what you did, how and why you did it, what you did well, and what you could improve on.

How do you write a literature review for an extension 2 in English?

It should contain:

  • Annotated extracts from various texts with reflection.
  • Examples and evaluation of experimentation with style and structure.
  • Summaries and notes about the exploration of concepts.
  • Extracts of your drafts with reasons for changes and critical questions from peers and/or teachers.

Is English Extension 2 hard?

Extension English 2 is not a unit you kind of waltz into going “yeah I guess this would be cool, how hard is writing a short story/critical response/poem/suite of speeches/script/etc.” It’s… hard, but it’s extremely rewarding if you put in the work.

What is HSC English extension 1?

HSC English Extension English Extension 1 is designed for students undertaking English Advanced who choose to study at a more intensive level in diverse, but specific areas. They enjoy engaging with complex levels of conceptualisation and seek the opportunity to work in increasingly independent ways.

What is a reflection Statement example?

Common reflective statement stems: “So you feel…” “It sounds like you…” “You’re wondering if…” “For you it’s like…” The listener can repeat or substitute synonyms or phrases and stay close to what the speaker has said. The listener can make major restatements in which the speaker’s meaning is inferred.

Can you get a high ATAR with standard English?

Re: Standard English usefulness You can still achieve a 99.95 ATAR, but your odds are significantly reduced in terms of being able to crack that score. Even if that isn’t your aim, you are significantly disadvantaged by the scaling of Standard, for a course with a completely equivalent workload to Advanced.

What HSC subjects scale well?

The Highest-Scaling Subjects are taught At Talent 100

  • MATHS. Extension 1 & 2. Maths Extension 1 & 2 are by far, the highest scaling subjects in the HSC.
  • ENGLISH. Advanced & Higher. Where possible you should take at least Advanced English.
  • SCIENCE. Physics & Chemistry.
  • HUMANITIES. Economics & Modern History.

Should I drop English extension?

There’s a lot of pressure with extension units, so dropping one can massively reduce stress. It gives you more time to study and relax, but it also gives you a little less to worry about. This allows you to better manage your time so that you don’t have to stress as much about other subjects.

What is English extension?

English Extension is designed for students undertaking English Advanced who choose to study at a more intensive level in diverse but specific areas. They enjoy engaging with complex levels of conceptualisation and seek the opportunity to work in increasingly independent ways.

How do you write a good reflection statement?

Reflection statements need to have structure, too. You need to ensure that you introduce your ideas clearly, then expand on them, and, finally, summarise and conclude your statement. Even if you only need to produce a 250-word paragraph, you still need to ensure that it follows the conventions of composition structure.