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How do you remove a serpentine belt on a 1998 Buick LeSabre?

How do you remove a serpentine belt on a 1998 Buick LeSabre?

How to Replace Serpentine Belt 1996-99 Buick LeSabre

  1. Familiarize yourself with the belt routing diagram.
  2. Pry off the center cap with a flat blade screwdriver.
  3. Loosen the lug nuts with the vehicle on the ground.
  4. Raise the vehicle with a floor jack.
  5. Secure the vehicle on jack stands.
  6. Remove the lug nuts.
  7. Pull off the wheel.

Can I change my serpentine belt myself?

Automatic belt tensioners, standard in most cars now, make changing a serpentine belt a simple DIY repair. Follow the clear photos and step-by-step instructions and you’ll be done in 15 minutes.

How much does it cost to replace a serpentine belt?

A typical serpentine belt start at around $25 and goes up to $75 at most. If you know some car repair basics, you could change the belt yourself, and it may save you paying labor charges somewhere between $75 and $120. All together, you’re looking at around $100 to $195 to replace your serpentine belt.

How long does it take to replace serpentine belt?

It can take anything from 15 minutes to an hour (two at the most) to repair or replace a bad serpentine belt with a new belt.

What size belt do I need for my car?

Purchase a belt one size smaller than the size you measured. The actual belt will have tension on it, whereas the string doesn’t. For example, if you measured 80 inches, purchase a belt that is 79 1/2 inches.

Are all serpentine belts the same?

Every car engine is different, even engines from the same auto manufacturer. That means the serpentine belt will snake around the pulleys in a different order too. Newer cars might have a plastic covering over the engine that will need to be removed in order for you to see what’s going on with the belt.

How long does it take to change serpentine belt?

How much should it cost to replace a serpentine belt?