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How do I use nonplussed?

How do I use nonplussed?

: so surprised or confused as to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do She was nonplussed by his confession.

What is a word for not bothered?

Cheerfully unconcerned about the future or things in general. unconcerned. carefree. untroubled. blithe.

What is an example of unctuous?

The definition of unctuous is oily, greasy or slippery in feel or character, or soft and rich garden soil. An example of unctuous is how a slug feels. An example of unctuous is a self-absorbed politician. An example of unctuous is good garden dirt.

What is an obsequious person?

adjective. characterized by or showing servile obedience and excessive eagerness to please; fawning; deferential: an obsequious bow;obsequious servants. obedient; dutiful.

What is the meaning of the word plussed?

However, plussed has no real meaning in English. Rather, the adjective nonplussed was formed from the less common verb nonplus “to puzzle or perplex,” originally a noun meaning “a state of utter perplexity,” borrowed from the Latin phrase nōn plūs “not more; no further.” A state of perplexity is one in which no more can be said or done.

What does “nonplussed” mean?

Sometimes, people use nonplussed to mean something like “ nonchalant ” or “unbothered” (as if the plussed part meant “bothered”), which is just about the opposite of the original meaning of nonplussed. But there is no adjective plussed. You’ll be a lot less nonplussed about all this after you read the origin of the word below.

What does it mean to be’nonplussed’?

‘Nonplussed’ by definition means that one is perplexed, but a modern usage has sprung up to mean nonchalance. We try to explain how this came about and how to deal with it. Its recent usage is hard to shrug off.

What is the common prefix for two?

Common prefixes 1 Two. 2 Having or involving two. 3 Occurring at intervals of two; less formally, occurring twice within that interval.