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How do I scrub a document in metadata?

How do I scrub a document in metadata?

Select the File menu tab and then select Info , if necessary. Select Check for Issues and then select Inspect Document . In the Document Inspector dialog box, check the boxes to inspect for certain data and then click Inspect . In the results, select Remove All to remove any found data.

Can you erase metadata?

On Android, you can use the Photo Exif Editor to remove the metadata from your photos. In the app, navigate to the photo you want to share. In the top-right corner, press the crossed-out ‘Exif’ symbol. From here you can select to remove specific types of data, or just remove all of it.

How do I completely remove personal metadata from Microsoft Office documents?

Right-click on the file and click on Properties. In the Properties window, click on the Details tab then click on Remove Properties and Personal Information.

How do I scrub all metadata in Word?

Remove Metadata From Word

  1. Click the File Tab in 2010 and click on Info, then Check for Issues and select Inspect Document. To view the Personal Information click on Show All Properties to the right.
  2. Select content you want Word to check for metadata.
  3. If Word finds metadata, it will prompt you to Remove All.

Is there a tool for removing metadata?

– Open Windows Explorer and navigate to where you have saved the file. – Make a copy of the file, so you don’t accidentally corrupt the original file. – Select the copy file and either tap the F2 button on your keyboard or right-click on the file and select Rename.

How to get rid of metadata?

Open the Photos app

  • Select the photo
  • Click Share
  • At the top of the screen next to Location,click Options
  • Toggle off Location or All Photo Data
  • Click Done
  • How do I strip metadata?

    Open the PDF you would like to remove metadata from in Adobe Acrobat

  • To remove metadata you will have to use the “PDF optimizer”
  • Go to File > Save as Other > Optimized PDF
  • How to remove metadata from your files?

    … delete any other metadata without the help of a specialized third-party app. To remove the remaining information attached to images, we like ImageOptim, which is a free, light, and easy-to-use alternative for cleaning your files. Go to the app’s