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How do I reset my Oracle username and password?

How do I reset my Oracle username and password?

Method 1: Using SQL*Plus (command line tool)

  1. At the command line, enter sqlplus user@database, where user is your user ID, and database is the specific database you are connecting to.
  2. Enter your current password.
  3. Once you have connected to the database, use the password command to change your database password.

What is the default password for SYSTEM user in Oracle 11g?

5.4 Reviewing Accounts and Passwords

User Name Default Password
SYS Password set during installation or in the Database Configuration Assistant
SYSMAN Password set during installation or in the Database Configuration Assistant
SYSTEM Password set during installation or in the Database Configuration Assistant

How do I find my SYS password?

Many times, users may find themselves with a lost SYS password when using Oracle….Lost SYS password Tips

  1. login oracle user.
  2. cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.
  3. ed(vi) file sqlnet.ora.
  4. Remark by # at begining of line.
  5. sqlplus /nolog or (svrmgrl) command.

How do I find my Oracle 11g username and password?

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  1. Open Command Prompt/Terminal and type: sqlplus / as SYSDBA.
  2. SQL prompt will turn up. Now type: ALTER USER existing_account_name IDENTIFIED BY new_password ACCOUNT UNLOCK;
  3. Voila! You’ve unlocked your account.

How do I find my SYS password in Oracle 11g?


  1. Run SQL*PLUS using Run SQL Command Line in Oracle Database 11g.
  2. Connect to Oracle Database as SYSDBA as follows: SQL>connect as sysdba.
  3. When prompted for password, enter change_on_install, which is the password for SYS account.
  4. Once you are connected to SYS account, you get adminstrator privileges.

How do you unlock a user in Oracle?

Database Installation Guide for Linux Use this SQL*Plus procedure to unlock and reset user account passwords. Log in as the Oracle Database software owner user. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables. Enter the command ALTER USER account IDENTIFIED BY password ACCOUNT UNLOCK; to unlock an account.

What is SYS password in Oracle?

If you set the environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID and the user you are using on the Linux box is the one you used when installed the Oracle software (you own the files); you will be able to connect as sys internally without the need to supply the password: abc@xyz:~ $ sqlplus / as sysdba.

What is the password for sys as Sysdba?

The SYSDBA user has all privileges on the server. The installation program will install the SYSDBA user with the password masterkey (actually, it’s masterke : characters after the eighth are ignored).

How do I unlock a locked Oracle account?

Using SQL*Plus to Unlock Accounts and Reset Passwords

  1. Start SQL*Plus and log in as the SYS user, connecting as SYSDBA: Copy $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA Enter password: sys_password.
  2. Enter the command ALTER USER account IDENTIFIED BY password ACCOUNT UNLOCK; to unlock an account. Note:

How to enable OS authentication in Oracle 11g?

Log on to your Windows server as a member of the Administrators group or a member of the ORA_DBA group. But when the OP connects as sysdba he will be prompted for password. The OS Authentication will happen at System Level. I forgot my sys password in oracle 11g.

How do I reset the ocsremdw password?

Reset the OCSREMDW password by entering the original password that was specified during original database installation. SQL> alter user ocsremdw identified by ; User altered. Logout as the Oracle system administrator (sysdba). Connect to OCSDMDW database as the OCSREMDW user to ensure that the database is operational.

How to check the ocsremdw user status in Oracle Database?

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release – 64bit Production SQL> Check the OCSREMDW user status. If the status is in the LOCKED status (the status before the password expires) then you must unlock the OCSREMDW user account before you reset the password.

Is it possible to reset the sys and system password?

Of course you can reset the sys and system password, for example: The interesting part is that you can connect using “/ as sysdba”, which will always connect to the SYS schema regardless of username and password: will work as well, provided your OS user account belongs to the SYSDBA system group (DBA under Linux/Unix). Well, I did in this way: