How do I contact AmeriHealth Louisiana?
Call Member Services at 1-888-756-0004. Our Member Services department is available 24 hours a day. If you are having a behavioral health crisis that is not life threatening, call our Mental Health and Substance Use Crisis Hotline at 1-844-211-0971 for help.
Is AmeriHealth Louisiana Medicaid?
We are experts in providing quality health care to people covered by publicly funded programs. These programs include Medicaid, and Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program (LaCHIP).
What is the number to Louisiana Medicaid?
Call Medicaid Customer Service toll free at 1-888-342-6207 to apply by phone. Apply in-person at your local Medicaid office. Contact any Medicaid Application Center statewide.
What does AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana cover?
Your AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana benefits include, but are not limited to, the following services: Emergency care. Post-stabilization services (care that is provided after emergency medical care to maintain, improve or fix your condition) Audiology services.
How do I apply for Medicaid in Louisiana?
There are several ways you can apply for Medicaid or get more information:
- Apply now or renew coverage for any Medicaid program by visiting the Louisiana Medicaid Online Application (OLA).
- Call the Medicaid hotline toll free at 1.888.
- Contact any Medicaid Application Center statewide.
How do I submit a corrected claim to AmeriHealth?
The corrected claim must be submitted under the same National Provider Identifier (NPI) as the original claim. If a claim was originally submitted under the wrong NPI, you must then submit a void request for the original claim number. Once the claim has been voided, you can submit a new claim under the correct NPI.
What is health Louisiana?
Healthy Louisiana is the way most of Louisiana’s Medicaid and LaCHIP recipients receive health care services. The overriding goal is to encourage enrollees to own their own health and the health of their families. In Healthy Louisiana, Medicaid recipients enroll in a Health Plan.
How do I change my Medicaid plan in Louisiana?
I was recently approved for Medicaid, but I want to change my plan. How do I switch? To change health plans by phone, call Healthy Louisiana at 1-855-229-6848 (TTY: 1-855-526-3346). Remember: free interpretation services are available to you if you need them.
Does Medicaid cover dentures in Louisiana?
With the start of a new year comes new opportunity for denture coverage in Louisiana via Medicaid. In 2021, Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits that include specific denture-related dental services are available from two providers.
Does Louisiana Medicaid cover mental health?
On Dec. 1, 2015, Louisiana Medicaid changed the way members get behavioral health services (mental health and substance use treatment). All Medicaid members will get their behavioral health services through a Managed Care Organization.