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How do I change the directory in Apache studio?

How do I change the directory in Apache studio?

From workbench menu choose Help > Install New Software….

  1. In the opened wizard input into the Work with: text field and press Enter.
  2. Review the installation details and click Next.

How do I set up ApacheDS?

Install ApacheDS LDAP server on Linux

  1. Run installer.
  2. Provide input to installer:
  3. Run server.
  4. ApacheDS Directory Studio.
  5. Run installer and accept all defaults:
  6. After successful installation, run Apache Directory Studio:
  7. create a new connection – to the LDAP server we have just installed (ApacheDS on Linux)

How does Apache Studio connect to Active directory?

Connecting Apache Directory Studio to Active Directory

  1. Step 1: Create a new LDAP Connection by clicking the yellow LDAP icon to the right of “LDAP Servers”
  2. Step 2: Fill out the information in the box specific to your domain. These are the settings that worked for me.
  3. Step 3: Fill out the authentication credentials.

What is Apache Directory Studio used for?

Apache Directory Studio is a complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with ApacheDS. It is an Eclipse RCP application, composed of several Eclipse (OSGi) plugins, that can be easily upgraded with additional ones.

What is LDAP Apache Directory Studio?

Where is the Apache www directory in Linux?

The Usual Places

  1. /etc/httpd/httpd. conf.
  2. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd. conf.
  3. /usr/local/apache2/apache2. conf —if you’ve compiled from source, Apache is installed to /usr/local/ or /opt/ , rather than /etc/.

How does LDAP connect to Active Directory?

Enabling LDAP for the Instance

  1. Log in to Sugar as an administrator and navigate to Admin > Password Management.
  2. Scroll down to the LDAP Support section and enable the checkbox next to “Enable LDAP Authentication”.
  3. Complete the fields with information specific to your LDAP or Active Directory account.

What is the name of protocol used by Active Directory?

Active Directory is a directory server that uses the LDAP protocol.

How do I configure Apache authentication with Active Directory?

Apache – LDAP Authentication Test Open your browser and enter the IP address of your Apache web server. The Apache default page will be displayed. Open your browser and enter the IP address of your web server plus /test. On the login screen, enter an Active Directory username and password.

What is the default Apache directory?

By default, the Apache web root or Document root folder location is at /var/www/html.