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How did Regina know about the shovel?

How did Regina know about the shovel?

Back in Storybrooke, Emma shows up at Regina’s and shows her a warrant to look in her garage. She tells Regina about the broken shovel fragment and that and anonymous caller said that Regina was there digging. Emma looks in the garage but finds a different, and now intact, shovel.

What episode is baelfire in Storybrooke?

He débuts in the eighth episode of the first season.

Who is the new guy in Once Upon a Time season 1?

Booth (Eion Bailey), who is the first stranger ever to arrive in town after she did, is from the Enchanted Forest as well: he is Pinocchio, who was sent to our world through the same wardrobe that brought Emma to watch over her.

Who plays Tiny on Ouat?

star Jorge Garcia
For the Season Two episode, see “Tiny”. Anton, also known as the Giant and Tiny, is a character on ABC’s Once Upon a Time. He débuts in the sixth episode of the second season and is portrayed by guest star Jorge Garcia. Anton is based on the giant from the folktale “Jack and the Beanstalk”.

Who set up Mary Margaret?

Gold had arranged one as per Deal with the Devil. Set up Mary Margaret to make it look like she killed Kathryn, then (as seen in the previous episode) provide a key in her jail cell. The two banked on her taking the key and leaving, and even if she didn’t, the trial is stacked in Regina’s favor.

Is Daniel alive in Once Upon a Time?

In Storybrooke, Viktor wants to go back to his world, so he successfully manages to resurrect Daniel.

What fairytale character is Baelfire?

Hook encounters Rumplestiltskin’s son Baelfire on Neverland and has a sort of father-son relationship with him.

What is Rumplestiltskin’s son name?

Baelfire is the son of the village coward, Rumplestiltskin. When soldiers of the Duke begin collecting younger people to fight in the Ogre Wars, Rumplestiltskin realizes that they will take Baelfire away from him.

Who is the new guy in Storybrooke?

He is portrayed by guest star Eion Bailey, and co-stars Jack and Jakob Davies and Rustin Gresiuk, and is the main reality version of Wish Pinocchio.

Who plays Anton the giant in Once Upon a Time?

Jorge Garcia
“Once Upon a Time” Tiny (TV Episode 2013) – Jorge Garcia as Anton the Giant – IMDb.

What happened to Anton in Once Upon a Time?

Later, Cora Mills shrinks Anton and brings him to Storybrooke. Anton mistakens David for his twin brother James who betrayed him, and tries to kill David. Cora’s daughter Regina briefly returns him to his giant size, although it eventually wears off.

When did Once Upon a time start on ABC?

Once Upon a Time is an American fairy tale drama television series created by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, who also serve as executive producers alongside Steve Pearlman. It debuted on ABC on October 23, 2011.

Will Once Upon a time season 1 be on Blu-ray?

“Once Upon a Time – Magical Blu-rays and DVDs are Announced for ‘The Complete 1st Season ‘ “. Archived from the original on May 17, 2012. Retrieved May 14, 2012. ^ Fraktklasse A. “Once Upon A Time – Sesong 1 – DVD – Film – CDON.COM”.

What happened in’Once Upon a time’season 2?

This category lists all Season Two episodes of ABC ‘s Once Upon a Time . Reality and myth begin to merge as the fairytale characters awaken from Evil Queen Regina’s broken curse and remember who they were.