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Did the Simpsons stop the couch gag?

Did the Simpsons stop the couch gag?

In the syndicated version for the episodes from seasons 1 to 5, the couch gag for the episode is usually replaced with the one from season five’s “Rosebud” where The Simpsons find an exact double of themselves on the couch (though the syndicated versions of the later episodes retain their original couch gags).

When did The Simpsons start doing the couch gag?

The couch gag made its first appearance in the show’s second episode (Bart The Genius – which first aired way back in January 14th 1990, in case you were wondering) and with more than 500 episodes spanning nearly a quarter of a century, the Simpsons team have had plenty of chances to play with that famous introduction.

What is The Simpsons couch gag?

(This one is frequently used as the opening couch gag on syndicated versions of Simpsons episodes from seasons one to five.) The Simpsons are zombies who break through the floor and groan as they sit on the couch.

Who is on the couch when the Simpsons come in?

The Flintstones (Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles) are on the couch. When the Simpsons come in, Fred smiles at Homer and invites him to sit. The family sits on the couch, which transforms into a monster and swallows them all. The Simpsons sit on the couch. The wall rotates around, leaving an empty couch from the other side. Maggie is already on the couch.

How did The Simpsons destroy the couch on the wall?

Maggie comes out from behind the sailboat Screenshot on the wall and blasts the room with a machine gun. The Simpsons, dressed in prehistoric-style clothing, run onto the couch (really a log, which is in a prehistoric area, resting on a tar pit) and sinks with it into a tar pit.

What was the last couch gag to be traditionally animated?

(Final couch gag to be traditionally animated) The family sits on the couch. Homer clicks on the remote control and sends the family to the Stone Age, clicks it again to send them to the Roman Empire, where they watch a gladiator match, and clicks it a final time to return them to the present.