Did Bette Davis and Ann Sheridan get along?
Were there many roles that Sheridan wanted but that ended up being played by Davis or Ida Lupino? Annie hugely admired Bette Davis and never resented her Queen of the Lot position, nor did she consider herself to be in Bette’s league.
Who did George Brent marry?
Janet Michaelsm. 1947–1974
Ann Sheridanm. 1942–1943Constance Worthm. 1937–1937Ruth Chattertonm. 1932–1934Helen Louise Campbellm. 1925–1927
George Brent/Spouse
Brent was married five times: to Helen Louise Campbell (1925–1927), Ruth Chatterton (1932–1934), Constance Worth (1937), Ann Sheridan (1942–1943), and Janet Michaels (1947–1974). Chatterton, Worth, and Sheridan were also actresses. Chatterton and Sheridan were both Warner Bros. players.
Who was Ann Sheridan married to?
Scott McKaym. 1966–1967
George Brentm. 1942–1943Edward Norrism. 1936–1938
Ann Sheridan/Spouse
What happened to Ann Sheridan son?
Then she was married to Scott McKay from 1966 until her death in 1967. She had one son, Richard that she gave up for adoption, but later located him when she was in poor health. The father of Richard is not known.
Who was called the oomph girl?
actress Ann Sheridan
Born 105 years ago this month on Feb. 21, glamorous actress Ann Sheridan was destined to forever be known as the “Oomph Girl,” following a mock contest organized by the Warner Brothers publicity department in 1939.
Where is Ann Sheridan buried?
Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Los Angeles, CAAnn Sheridan / Place of burial
Who was Kay Francis married to?
Kenneth MacKennam. 1931–1933
James Dwight Francism. 1922–1924John Meehan
Kay Francis/Spouse
Francis married three times: James Dwight Francis (1922–1925); William Gaston (1925–1927); Kenneth MacKenna (1931–1934); and it was erroneously reported by Walter Winchell her third marriage was to screenwriter John Meehan around 1929. She had affairs with Maurice Chevalier and Raven Freiherr von Barnekow.
How tall is George Brent?
6′ 1″George Brent / Height
What caused Ann Sheridan’s death?
Esophageal cancerAnn Sheridan / Cause of death
In 1966, Sheridan began starring in a new television series, a Western-themed comedy called Pistols ‘n’ Petticoats. She became ill during the filming and died of esophageal cancer with massive liver metastases at age 51 on January 21, 1967, in Los Angeles.
Did Ann Sheridan do her own singing in the movies?
While many actresses required dubbing whenever singing was required, Ann Sheridan did her own singing in all her films, with the exception of Shine on Harvest Moon (1940) and one number in Naughty But Nice (1939).
Did Ann Sheridan sing in Nora Prentiss?
Sheridan is the singer, and has two tunes to warble. As the doctor, Kent Smith is okay dramatically in a part that doesn’t hold much water. Bruce Bennett, co-starred, has little to do as a medico friend of Smith’s.
Is Ann Sheridan still alive?
January 21, 1967Ann Sheridan / Date of death