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What is digital media design?

What is digital media design? Digital Media Design combines aspects of art, communications, business, and digital media. Students study with a variety of instructors with expertise in graphic design, photography, publishing, video, audio, animation, web design, […]

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Is EvoShield owned by Nike?

Is EvoShield owned by Nike? In October 2016, the company was acquired by Wilson Sporting Goods Co., a subsidiary of Amer Sports Corporation. Is EvoShield a good brand? In fact, 85 percent of MLB hitters who […]

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What are the three somatic symptom disorders?

What are the three somatic symptom disorders? Characteristics of Somatoform Disorders Disorder Essential characteristics Undifferentiated somatoform disorder ≥ Six months’ history One or more unexplained physical symptoms Conversion disorder Single unexplained symptom involving voluntary or sensory […]

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Is Djibouti Arab country?

Is Djibouti Arab country? Language & Religion There are also small populations of Arabs, French, Ethiopians and Italians. Djibouti is a predominantly Islamic country, with 94% of citizens describing themselves as Muslim and 6% as Christian. […]

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Can your knee swell from a bruise?

Can your knee swell from a bruise? Bruises may change color as they heal, turning yellow or green. A knee bruise may also trigger symptoms such as: pain and tenderness. swelling. Should I worry about a […]

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What is R 2 zoning Georgia?

What is R 2 zoning Georgia? R-2 (Two-Unit Residential) Zoning District. The R-2 Zoning District is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a maximum of two residential dwelling units (i.e., duplexes) located on a single […]

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Who discovered the 47 elements?

Who discovered the 47 elements? The Royal Society of London awarded the Davy Medal in 1882 to both Mendeleev and Meyer. The later discovery of elements predicted by Mendeleev, including gallium (1875), scandium (1879) and germanium […]

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What is preserveAspectRatio?

What is preserveAspectRatio? The preserveAspectRatio attribute indicates how an element with a viewBox providing a given aspect ratio must fit into a viewport with a different aspect ratio. What does viewBox mean? The viewBox attribute defines […]

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