Can Molly and neon tetra live together?
There are many varieties of tetras, and some fish that are commonly called tetras aren’t even related to the others. Some tetras are semi-aggressive, and will harass and fin-nip, which wouldn’t be good for peaceful mollies and guppies. On the other hand, many tetras would probably be fine with mollies or guppies.
Can you put mollies and tetras together?
Which Fish Can Live with Mollies? Choose molly fish tank mates that also enjoy hard, alkaline conditions. This includes other livebearers like guppies and platies, tank raised tetras and barbs, danios, and even african cichlids (so long as they are peaceful species).
What fish go with Neon Tetras?
Neon tetras and shrimp make excellent tank mates. The tetras are small enough to consider larger-sized shrimp as food but may eat baby shrimp. Ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp grow to around 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) in length and are good choices.
How many Neon Tetras should be kept together?
Neon tetras are a schooling species, so you should keep a minimum of six to ten neon tetras together in one tank. Neon tetras will feel uncomfortable, get stressed, and maybe even die if you keep too few of them together. Additionally, neon tetras are active fish that require plenty of swimming space.
How many mollies Can I put in a 10 gallon tank?
You can put three mollies in a 10-gallon tank. As a general rule, an inch of fish requires one gallon of water. In captivity, mollies usually grow to be 3–4.5 inches long, so each fish will need around three gallons of water to swim freely.
How many mollies Can I put in a 20 gallon tank?
What is this? The average molly fish will grow to a size of 3 inches. Keeping three female mollies and one male molly fish together is the best option in a 20-gallon tank. They are livebearers, so keep an eye out for babies on a regular basis.
How many mollies should be kept together?
At least three or four mollies should be kept together. Mollies are shoaling fish, which means they’re more comfortable living with fish of the same species. While you should keep several mollies together, be sure not to overcrowd the tank.
What do neon tetras like in their tank?
They love tall plants like Ludwigia repens, Brazilian pennywort (also works as a floating plant), vallisneria, cabomba or Cryptocoryne wendtii. Neons also like floating plants like frogbit, dwarf water lettuce or red river floaters. They’ll swim around in the roots that hang down into the water column.
Is 5 neon tetras enough?
No, five neon tetras are not enough. You should keep a minimum of six neon tetras in your tank because they are schooling fish that get stressed and die if there are not enough of them. The ideal amount of neon tetras you should keep is 10.
Do you need a heater for mollies?
As Mollies are freshwater fish that are found in tropical climates, they will need a heater. The only exception to this is if you already live in a place that maintains hot climates.
Can mollies be kept with bettas?
Yes, Betta fish can live with Mollies. Mollies make excellent tank mates for Betta fish. Both species of fish want to live in similar water parameters and both Bettas and Mollies want to eat the same type of foods.
Can guppies mate with mollies?
Guppies and Mollies can easily create hybrids if they are kept in the right conditions. There are two names for two types of hybrids. A hybrid fry from a male Guppy and a female Molly is called Golly, whereas a fry from a male Molly and a female Guppy is called Muppy.
What kind of fish is similar to a neon tetra?
The hatchetfish is another small, peaceful fish that comes from the Amazon River Basin, the same area of the world as the neon tetra. These pot-bellied little fish do best in schools of six or more. If you choose to stock them, you need to make sure your tank is covered by a tight lid.
What color is a sailfin molly fish?
Red Sunset Sailfin Molly It is closely related to guppies. Its color is greenish to silver along with yellow and brown patterns. During breeding its color changes to blue.
What size tank does a sailfin molly fish need?
If you’re going to have Sailfin Molly fish, get a large tank (20 gallons or more). They can grow up to 4” (sometimes 5”) and they need plenty of room to swim. They love plant life in their dwelling. Be sure to give them a few spots to hide such as rocks.
How many types of sailfin mollies are there?
Types of sailfin mollies. 1 1. Golden Sailfin Molly. It is a peaceful fish native to North America. Usually found in brackish, ditches, and pons. It is suitable for hard water as 2 2. Green Sailfin Molly. 3 3. Black Sailfin Molly. 4 4. Red Sunset Sailfin Molly. 5 5. Silver Sailfin Molly.