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Can a cavity cause a hole in your tooth?

Can a cavity cause a hole in your tooth?

It happens when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the enamel. Tooth decay can lead to cavities (dental caries), which are holes in your teeth. If tooth decay is not treated, it can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss.

Can cavity hole be fixed?

Cavities Most Often Can Be Repaired by Dental Fillings Dental fillings are the most basic form of dental restoration. Using a metal alloy, porcelain, or dental resin, your dentist can fill in the hole left behind by bacterial infection (the cavity).

How do you heal a cavity hole?

Treatment options include:

  1. Fluoride treatments. If your cavity just started, a fluoride treatment may help restore your tooth’s enamel and can sometimes reverse a cavity in the very early stages.
  2. Fillings.
  3. Crowns.
  4. Root canals.
  5. Tooth extractions.

What happens if you leave a hole in your tooth?

A tooth cavity can cause a variety of complications if it’s left untreated. These include: ongoing tooth pain. a tooth abscess, which can become infected and trigger life-threatening complications, like an infection that enters the bloodstream or sepsis.

How long does it take for a cavity to destroy a tooth?

There’s no specific timeline for how quickly a cavity can destroy a tooth. In most cases, severe damage to the tooth occurs because of years of unaddressed tooth decay. Fortunately, proper dental hygiene and regular dental checkups can save a tooth before it ever gets this bad.

When is a cavity too big to fill?

If the decay reaches your tooth’s main structure, called dentin, then a filling can replace the lost tooth structure after your dentist has cleaned the cavity of bacteria and infection. However, if it reaches the tooth’s center chamber, called the pulp, a filling may no longer suffice to address it.

Can you save a tooth with a hole in it?

The first line of defense is a filling, but if the tooth decay is serious you may need a root canal. But you can only do this if the root is still healthy. If not, there is no choice but to extract the rotten tooth. With a root canal, the dentist will drill down the tooth to clean out the decay.

How long can you leave a hole in your tooth?

As a broad timeline, on average, it can take anywhere from six months to four or five years before a cavity needs treatment.

When is it too late to fill a cavity?

Once bacteria have entered your tooth, it may be too late for a filling because we will need to prevent or treat an existing infection. However, it’s never too late for dental care!