Are there any joining offers for Slimming World?
Discover our latest joining offers Get a free copy of our brand new recipe book, Slimming World’s taste the sunshine (worth £4.95), when you sign up to our Gold membership package, or resubscribe (for three months or more).
How much is Slimming World per week for over 60?
members who are over 60 pay a reduced weekly fee of £5.65/€9.50.
Can NHS join Slimming World for free?
Now our members and Consultants are coming back together in-person, we’re delighted to be able to offer people the chance to join one of our warm and friendly groups with no joining fee.
What age is senior citizen at Slimming World?
Senior members – £5.65/€9.50. 16-17 year old members and non-member parents (attending with an 11-15 year old Free2Go member) – £4.95/€8.50.
Is Slimming World free for NHS?
Does the NHS endorse Slimming World?
The group support provided by Slimming World is recognised as effective by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the NHS. Following the suspension of weekly groups as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Slimming World launched a temporary virtual service.
Is Slimming World a pyramid scheme?
Simply put it’s a pyramid scheme 30-40 hour week for a group with very little return. Demoralising. Hierarchy of sw is a joke. If you can play the game and crawl up managements backside you’ll go far.
When can I use the Slimming World Online offer?
This offer can be used for all Slimming World Online packages and runs from 16th November to 16th December 2021. This offer can be used on new subscriptions only. It cannot be used for online re-subscriptions or membership of Slimming World groups.
Can I join Slimming World If I don’t have 7lbs?
Slimming World will not offer membership to anyone who doesn’t have 7lbs or more to lose. This offer applies to membership of Slimming World groups in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland. Please consult your doctor before starting any weight loss plan.
What are the benefits of Slimming World?
Slimming World often offers extra perks when you join with your friends or family members. For instance, when you join a group with four friends, you all pay just £5 for your first week! Make sure to follow Slimming World’s social media channels so you can benefit from plenty of weight loss tips and special offers!
Where is the Slimming World office?
This promotion is run by Miles-Bramwell Executive Services Limited, trading as Slimming World, PO Box 55, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 4SW. Tel 0344 897 8000. Email [email protected]