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Are Essbase and SmartView the same thing?

Are Essbase and SmartView the same thing?

With Oracle Essbase comes Oracle SmartView for Office (SmartView) which provides a comprehensive tool for accessing and integrating EPM and BI content from Microsoft Office products.

What is Essbase smart view?

Smart View enables you to integrate ERP, enterprise performance management (EPM), and business intelligence (BI) data directly from the data source into Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook. Using Smart View, you can view, import, manipulate, distribute and share data in Office-based interfaces.

What is the difference between Essbase and Hyperion?

Hyperion Essbase is more flexible than Hyperion Planning as it is a standalone OLAP engine and can be used for more than just planning purposes. While Essbase excels at financial calculations and analysis, it can benefit any business department that uses numeric data.

How do you use Essbase Excel add-in?

To load Spreadsheet Add-in in Excel:

  1. In Excel, select Tools, and then Add-Ins.
  2. In Add-ins, click Browse. The Browse dialog box is displayed.
  3. Locate essexcln. xll and select it.
  4. Click OK twice to close the dialog boxes.
  5. Start Spreadsheet Add-in.

What is Essbase used for?

Oracle Essbase gives organizations the power to rapidly generate insights from multidimensional data sets using what-if analysis, and data visualization tools. Get the Oracle Essbase application.

What is a smart view?

Smart View a method of mirroring your phone to a TV through Wi-Fi. You can see your favorite photos, videos, presentations, and games on a larger screen. If Smart View is not working, restarting or rebooting your device will usually solve the issue.

What is Oracle Hyperion Smart View?

Oracle Hyperion Smart View is one of several applications in the Oracle Hyperion software suite. Smart View is designed for Microsoft Office applications to provide a common Office interface designed specifically for Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and Business Intelligence (BI).

What is smart view in Hyperion?

Smart View is an excel interface that connects with Hyperion Planning and Essbase to allow users to perform ad hoc analysis and reporting, input data instead of the web-based forms, and view Financial Reporting (FR) reports.

Is Oracle Smart View free?

Oracle SmartView for Office is a free plugin for Microsoft Excel that is used by some business and finance staff at UWM.

What is Essbase in Excel?

Essbase gets its name from Extended Spreadsheet Database and is commonly accessed via a spreadsheet add-in that provides users the capability to analyze data within a familiar environment such as Microsoft Excel.

What is the difference between Hyperion and Essbase?

hyperion is an enterprise performance management software which has various modules like hfm hyperion planning hyperion profitability cost management etc that covers different business areas or functions and helps in analytics essbase is a multidimensional What is the difference between Hyperion, Hyperion Financial Management (HFM), and

How to use Essbase SmartView?

Click the cell containing Scenario.

  • On the Essbase ribbon,click Member Selection.
  • In the Member Selection dialog box,check the box next to the Actual member.
  • Click Add to move Actual to the right pane.
  • If Scenario is already included in the right pane,highlight it and use the left arrow to remove it,and then click OK.
  • What does Essbase mean?

    – Required at end of each statement – Example: Sales = Sales * 1.50; – Not needed after FIX and ENDFIX

    How to use Essbase?

    With the use of cubes, users can display and sum large amounts of Oracle Cognos, Oracle OLAP and Oracle Essbase are all OLAP products. In addition to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SQL Server’s Analysis Services, OLAP features are found in tools